Chapter 2- New Friend And Maybe More?

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I woke up in the morning, feeling a sense of unease. It scared me a little until I realised why. I didn't text Greyson last night. I hurry to get my phone off the charger and I text him. "Hey, its the girl you bumped into yesterday. Sorry. I fell asleep before I could text you.." I text him. I dont get a reply for a few minutes so I get up to start getting ready for the hellhole I call school. I decide to wear a black PTV band shirt and my black skinny jeans with grey Vans. I walk into my bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair before putting a little bit of makeup on. I hear my phone go off when I enter my room. I quickly run over to it and unlock it. I got a text from Greyson. "Hey, its okay, I understand. I was thinking, after school you should come with me to a little cafe I know downtown." He replied. I know I couldn't say no. I had to make bumping into him up somehow. So I replied with "Yeah, I can do that." and put my phone in my pocket, grabbed my checkered backpack and walked out the door to school. When I get to school, I feel my phone go off. I pull it out and see Greyson texted me again. "Meet me at the tree in the corner of the courtyard after school" I quickly responed with "Okay" and walked into school. I was scared. Being socially awkward and having social anxiety, doesn't help much when you have to meet someone in person that you don't know. I walk into my first class. Math. I hate math. I was early so I was the first one there. I decided to pull my headphones out and listen to some music to pass time.


I walk into the lunch room and look around for a seat. I wasn't going to eat. I was too scared to eat. After I realized there was no spots to sit, I walked to the empty music room. I sat down in the corner of the room. I looked around and saw the piano. I smirked and got up, walking towards it. I sat down in front of the beautiful piano. I started playing the beginning of the acoustic version of Bulletproof Love by Pierce The Veil. Not knowing someone was watching me..

"I breathe you in with smoke in the backyard lights,
we used to laugh until we choked into the wasted nights.
It was the best time of my life, but now I sleep alone,
So darling, don't, don't wake me up, 'cause my thrill is gone.
(Say I'm wrong)
In the sunset turning red behind the smoke,
forever and alone..."


Her voice.. It was beautiful. I was watching and listening through the music room door. Hoping I could be in there, next to her. Wait.. She's the girl that bumped into me yesterday! We have a dat- I mean meeting after school! YES! I get to see her again. I look back into the room and see her getting up. I quickly run away, but being a little bit clumsy, I fell into the lockers, denting them a little. I run away as fast as I could.


I finish the first verse and decide to stop there. Smiling to myself, I stand and grab my backpack, walking to the door. Before I open the door, I hear a crash outside it. I open it and see a dent in the lockers next to the door, like someone had fallen. No one was there. I shrugged it off and walked to my next class.


I knew where I had to go. It was scary for me. I walk into the courtyard with my headphones in. I see the tree. No one was there, his class must have not let out yet. I sat down and leaned against the tree. I hum along to Bubblegum B*tch By Marina and The Diamonds. I see someone walk up to me and I look up from my phone. My eyes widened, being reminded of how attractive he is. "What's wrong?" He asks with his eyebrow raised. "N-N-Nothing.. I'm fine.." I say, studdering. "Uhh... Okay? Ready to go?" He asks and hold out his hand for me to get up. "Yeah.." I respond and take his hand. He helped me up and we started walking. We hardly talk all the way there. We holds the door for me to the cafe and I thank him. "Go sit down, I'll get the coffee." He stated to me with that show stopping smile of his. I got to sit down in the corner of the cafe, away from everyone and looking out of the window. I few minutes later, I hear two coffee cup being sat down on the table. I look at see the gorgeous man in front of me. He sits down as I grab my coffee cup. "Thank you for this" I say with a smile. He seems to blush a little and god its so cute. "Sure.. No problem." He says back. He starts asking what I'm into and what I like to do. We talk for a good 3-4 hours. Then I had to go home. He insists on walking me home and I didn't fight him with it. He get to my door step and I bit my lip nervously. He notices this. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing, I'm fine!" I say with a smile that could fool anyone. I was not fine. I think I'm falling. And I'm falling hard. I haven't felt this way since.. Him. All I wanted to do is kiss him and hug him right now. Why was I feeling this way? This scares me. I see Grey blush a little and I forget what I was thinking and smile. "Can I maybe get a goodbye kiss?" He smirked and pointed to his cheek. I blushed deeply and cupped his face quickly, kissing his softly lip quickly before racing inside and shouting back "See you tomorrow!" I run all the way to my room and slam my door shut, panting and smiling widely. I lay down on my bed and hear my phone go off. I pull it out and see a text from Grey. "I liked that. Can I get another on tomorrow?" I blushes deeper and smiled wider, having a small giggle fit. Waiting for the next day to come.

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