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Kristen: Don't run to far okay

Christopher: He's a boy let him play

Kristen: Mhm, I'm going to get the mail

Christopher: Okay

It's been six years since Trey have been locked up for the murder of Claire but also Paula. It seems that it wasn't the first time he did this, but it was the first time he was convicted. He got life in prison, with no chance of parole. Good that's what the bastard gets. My business is booming and I couldn't be happier, I am a wife and a mother. Two years I gave birth to my son Christopher Jr. He's our world. As I walked back up to the porch I saw a shadow of a figure that I thought I would never see again

Kristen: Howard

Howard: Your house it looks nice

Kristen: Thank you

Howard: So um how you been

Kristen: Good ...good what about you

Howard: Not complaining I just made partner

Kristen: Great

Howard: yeah so how you doing

Kristen: Business is good, marriage is good

Howard; Your married

Kristen: Yeah me and Christopher

Howard: (sigh) Of course

Kristen: Look I never really had the opportunity to say

Howard: No hard feelings anymore. You can save it

Kristen: I didn't mean

Howard: to hurt me, it's a little too late for that don't you think

Christopher; Baby Chris Jr. is doing BAC...what you want

Howard: Christopher

Christopher: What are you doing Howard?

Howard: I'm not you I actual respect the promise of marriage.

Christopher: You can leave, my wife don't need to hear any more sentences from your mouth

Howard: (laughs) Okay Christopher I'll leave. Kristen (shakes his head) I hope you got it

I stood on the porch as Chris wrapped his arms around my waist and landing on my stomach. I watched as he walked away. Howard was my husband for five years but I learned a lot about love and myself in this time. Don't let one situation define another. Love comes at any time in your life and you would be a fool to turn it down.

Christopher: come on baby lets go inside

Kristen: Okay (kiss)

As I stepped inside the door I saw my phone had an unsaved number calling me.

Kristen: Hello

Howard: did it buy it

Kristen: I guess he did

Howard: I just couldn't go a day without seeing you. I love you

Kristen: I love you

Howard: You're always on my mind, day and night
when I think of you, all feels so right Need to have you, need to hold you
and tell you that I love you. My dear, I don't want to see us apart
This separation just tears away my heart I miss you, oh, I really miss you
Will need you more and more each day I know I cannot live without you I miss you, more than words can say.

Christopher: KRISTEN!

Kristen: I got to go ...see you tomorrow

I walked in the house and kissed my husband on the lips and my son on the forehead. I'm not a bad person it just I'm addicted. And my addiction isn't drugs or alcohol or no it's something much more stronger....ITS LOVE

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