"He doesn't know how much it hurts,
To hear him utter her name in his sleep.
He says it with so much love,
I didn't know a person could keep.Everytime she walks in the room,
His eyes light up like stars.
I can tell his heart is racing fast,
Just like these passing cars.I know he doesn't know it,
How much love I feel for him.
So I shouldn't feel so let down,
That she gets to be with him.But that doesn't mean I don't get hurt,
When the day has come to an end.
Cause every night as I fall asleep,
To him, I am just a friend." - miranda j.
A Thousand Words
Poetrymiranda j. ____ Because to love is a wonderful feeling, no matter how painful it may be. So, I went ahead and fell for you. ____ a book of prose and poetry by yours truly.