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The pain that went through his body... It was... Surprising. Everything and everyone had been right. He had never felt something like this before.
He knew Gaius had given him a sleeping potion, but in a certain way, it had paralysed him. It had taken the pain away, but he still was in a concious state. He could hear everything that happend.
Lucy her breath, what was loud, like the breath of an old man who was about to die. People next to his bed, talking to him. Elyan, telling him about everything in the castle. Lancelot, about things he suspected, how Gaius was doing, and then there was... The voice of Arthur.
"How are they doing?"
"Not this long ago, she started bleeding out of her eyes," Lancelot answered.
Merlin could feel a sharp emotional pain going through his body.
Her eyes had started bleeding.
Her eyes. Had started. Bleeding.
He kept telling himself all of this was for the sake of Camelot, but he didn't know if he... He... He what?
"Gaius has given her something, but Merlin was awake when it happend, so he has put him under with a powerful sleeping potion."
Wait... He had been awake? But... What... He couldn't remember.
Oh. He couldn't remember.
"I appreciate you doing this," Arthur said. "All of you."

"Merlin has saved us many times, more then we even know of," Lancelot replied. "This is the least we can do."
"And I always thought he was an idiot," Arthur responded.
Merlin did not know if he should be laughing, or crying. It felt good in this situation to hear Arthur make one of his classic Arthur comments, but his body...
He could remember something about cutting his legs open. Wait... Why was he thinking about cutting his own legs open? He... He...
A sharp pain at his eyes.
"Merlin, hang on, we have your back- All this blood-"
Wait... Was he-?
He was bleeding out of his eyes.
Someone dropped something in his eyes, and the pain went away. Much better.
But his left hand started tingling.
"Lancelot, I appreciate you have been watching over them, but if you don't mind, I would like to take the rest of your three hours."
"Of course," Lancelot said to Arthur. "Gwaine is supposed to follow after me."
He could hear a door closing.
"What do you think is wrong with them?" Arthur asked.
"Honestly, Sire, I am not exactly sure," he could hear Gaius say. ""Amongst common circumstances, I would have said a bleeding behind their eyes, but this time, I have all reasons to believe magic is involved."
Hey. Gaius knew the truth. He knew very well magic was involved.
"Merlin... Has he told you something?"
"Only that he was affraid, Sire. He was affraid for what might come."
Oh, he hadn't told Arthur the truth. Or he did not wanted to.
"I have been speaking to the old dragon."
His mind became clear for a second. This was very unexpected.
"Really, Sire?"
He could hear even Gaius was surprised.
"Merlin is an idiot. But he is the bravest and most loyal ons I have ever seen."
"Indeed he is."
He could hear the door closing again, and he knew that he was alone with Arthur. Prat Arthur, who amongst common circumstances, would never go to the old dragon.
His mind was clear now. This could be the last time before... Before "the thing." The last time he would be able to talk to Arthur, before "it" would happen.
He gathered all his power, and somehow, he started to cough.
He couldn't do more then a simple whispering. But it would be enough.
"It is better if you speak as little as possible," Arthur said. "I am not going to ask how you are feeling, because it is a little obvious, isn't it?"
Slowly, he tried to open his eyes, looking in the face of king Prat. Once a prat, Always a prat.
He could feel the corners of his mouth curl up, and he narrowed his eyes, because the light in the room... It was just to much for him to bare.
"Merlin... I am so sorry this is happening to you. To both of you."
Woah. Arthur who apologised? That did not happen quite a lot.
"Don't be," he whispered. "Just... Don't."
His lungst started to burn again. He needed to go back to the other world, so badly. Where he was alone in his suffering. But he... Just not yet.

"You're the closest friend I have, so please, don't die on me, and don't change."
It was sweet from Arthur to say that, but also... It was so not him.
"Have you..."
"I visited the dragon. He told me a few very interesting things."
He knew the dragon would help him. He knew. That was... Good.
"You can trust Kilgharrah," He  whisperd, gasping for air. "But he never forgets. Listen closely now-"
His burning lungs forced him to cough. He could see he had coughed blood.
"This will be... The last time I am awake... For a very long time," he whisperd. "Trust no one new... Tell Gwen not to worry."
Worse things happend when Arthur trusted new people.
"I will, old friend."
That... That was definitely not Arthur.
"According to legend... We will arise on Camelot's weakest point, when we're needed most... Keep that... In mind."
He could not fight the burning pain anymore. His eyes closed themselves, and they pulled him to another place, a place with demons, stabbing him in his entire body, thousands of people who looked like Lucy, and who died in the most cruel ways. His mother, being murdred, his friends being murdred, over and over again, him being stabbed by gigantic Scorpions...
Sometimes, the torture vanished. And then, there was one sound, and one sound alone to hear.
The sound of a changing heart.

Magic is very helpfull sometimes ~ MerlinWhere stories live. Discover now