Lies and Crushes

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Charlotte's POV

After a few more days of work I had two days off luckily. I loved being a doctor but every time I started a new job it just seemed hard to get used to it.

Luckily today I could spend my day with Annie like we did back in Uni. Mitchell and George both had work until this evening meaning we were in the house on our own.

Annie and I watched chick flicks whilst I ate ice cream, seen as she couldn't eat it. We got through two films before we sat down at the dining table so I could have lunch.

"So how do you like living here?" she asked.

"It's nice, thank you for convincing them to let me live here, even in death you are my best friend," I smiled.

"How would you survive without me?" she laughed.

I chuckled rolling my eyes.

"So how do you like Mitchell and George?" she asked leaning on the table with a grin that made me feel uneasy.

She always did that smile when she wanted to know something.

"They're nice."

"Not like that," she smirked.

"Are you asking if I fancy our roommates?" I laughed.

"Yes," she said as if it was completely obvious.

I laughed softly leaning back in my chair.

"Well I can't deny Mitchell is very easy on the eyes. But it would be completely juvenile to think he could like me like that. We are very different people Annie, and you'd be surprised how much even you don't know about me. If you knew you wouldn't want to be my friend, and if he knew he would certainly not want me living here," I shrugged.

"What don't we know?" she asked.

"Nothing that important now. It's just there are things in my past that I am not proud of and I want to forget them, just they will always come back somehow," I sighed.

She smiled pitifully.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," she smiled softly.

"I'm sorry Annie. I just can't I have told only a few people the truth before and I just don't feel it is the right time to tell you," I sighed, "you are my best friend but it's for the best that I keep it secret."

She nodded, "it's okay. But I'm not letting you drop that you like Mitchell."

"Damn, I thought you'd forget," I laughed, "don't tell him, or George for that matter."

"I won't. But you and Mitchell would make an adorable couple, just get to know him, he already thinks you are attractive, and thinks you are funny and friendly," she grinned.

"He told you that?" I said raising my eyebrow.

I crossed my arms. I couldn't deny that if Mitchell asked me out on a date I wouldn't bat an eyelid in saying yes. It was a rare occasion that you found an attractive and nice man. He was a very nice man, and very attractive, but he was a vampire, and I well I was certainly not his type.

"Yeah. He is very fond of you, seen as he barely knows you, but you are amazing so why wouldn't he like you?"

"You told me something he told you, what would stop you from telling him what I told you?" I exclaimed.

"I won't tell him," she smiled.

"Forgive me if I don't believe you," I frowned.

She laughed for a second before her expression became firm.

"Be careful Charlotte," she whispered.

I raised my eyebrow confused as to what the ghost was speaking of.


"Mitchell. He is dangerous," she sighed, "he's a good guy but he has troubles. The people he hangs around with, they could kill you. He could kill you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

I knew exactly what she meant. She was speaking of Mitchell being a vampire. If I were the normal human she believed I was then yes, he would be a fatal danger to me but I had met many vampires in my time and I knew very well that no vampire was able to kill me.

Also she was speaking of Herrick and the group of other vampires Mitchell had once been part of. I had personally met Herrick, but he had no idea what I was, and he certainly didn't know that I was here now.

For all Annie knew Mitchell and even George for that matter were fatal dangers to me, but if I really wanted to I could kill them within a second. Vampires and werewolves weren't dangerous to me but Annie didn't know that, Annie couldn't know that.

"Oh," It was clear she didn't realise she'd need to explain that point, "he's an addict."

She blurted out her words, and it was clear her brain hadn't thought through the words that had escaped her lips.

"An addict?" I asked feigning shock.

I tried to hide my amusement of Annie's lies. Technically it was true, he was an addict just not the kind she was trying to convey to me.

"Yeah," she said trying to emphasise her words, "Class A. He has trouble paying for his addiction. George and I have tried to get him off but he hasn't. His dealers are murderous, and when Mitchell is desperate for a fix I wouldn't put it past him to take desperate measures."

I furrowed my eyebrows and gritted my teeth trying not to laugh at her obscure story she had created to lead your mind away from him being a vampire.

"Really?" I gasped, "You'd never have guessed."

"I wouldn't bring it up to him if I were you," she suggested, "he's touchy about the subject and he didn't even want George and I to know, but we found out on our own. Unless he tells you about it, I think it is the best if you pretended you didn't know."

I nodded.

"Of course. Since I met him I thought there was something off about him. Who where's sunglasses so often? He has a very pale complexion. I also saw him at work when a patient haemorrhaged, you'd think he would have gotten used to it by now. Really I was beginning to think he was a vampire," I laughed.

Her expression contorted into a shocked and uneasy one.

"I'm joking," I chuckled.

"Oh," she laughed uneasily.

"Of course it was a joke Annie. There's no such thing as vampires," I smiled.

She let out an awkward laugh.


I smiled at my friend. She had no idea that I knew, and for what I knew Mitchell and George didn't know either. I was also certain none of them knew of my secret either.

Charlotte Clarke: The 'Normal' Human (Being Human Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now