Remy and Gareth

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Charlotte's POV

My shift ended after both George and Mitchell's ended, so I told them to leave as well as telling them what time I finished. Although the walk was quite a distance it wasn't too bad to walk. I got to the front door patting my pockets looking for my keys. Sadly I couldn't find it.

I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

"Mitchell, George, Annie," I called out, "I left my key somewhere or I've lost it. Can you let me in please?"

I waited a moment before steading myself on the door so I could open the letter flap and talk through it.

"Come on guys, its cold out here, I smell, I want a bath and I want a cup of tea, please let me in," I sighed.

Within seconds the door sprung open causing me to tumble forward landing on two pairs of feet. I groaned looking at my two male roommates that were looking down at me.

"Are you okay Charlotte?" George asked.

The two men helped me to my feet.

"How did you fall into the house?" Mitchell laughed.

"I was leaning on the door, talking from the letter box and well it all went down from there really," I sighed.

"Well luckily Charlotte we are the best roommates you could ever wish for," Mitchell smiled.

"What do you mean?" I frowned.

"Well it was your first day at work. And it wasn't great so we thought we'd be nice. We've just ran you a bubble bath upstairs, there is also a present on your bed, shampoo in the bathroom, and when you get out of the bath, dinner will be ready," Mitchell grinned.

"You guys really did this for me?" I smiled softly.

"Yes," they nodded.

My smile grew. I thought it'd be hard to fit in here but really it was easy, they were nice people and I was already best friends with Annie, it was inevitable for them both to at least tolerate me.

"Thank you guys," I grinned.

I wrapped my arms around Mitchell, even if he was a lot taller than me and rather shocked by my hug, he quickly responded hugging me in return.

I smiled up at him, removing myself from the hug and hugging George. He was less willing to return the hug but he did so.

Once more I thanked them before going upstairs to my bedroom. When I got into the room the first thing I noticed was a small white pot on my bed with a small little plant in it. I smiled placing it on my bedside cabinet before grabbing my pyjamas and a towel, going into the bathroom.

I spent a while in the bath, attempting to forget about my day and the many troubles that there had been in my life, before realising it was about time I should get out as I did forget to ask what time dinner was.

Quickly I put on my pyjamas and tied my brown hair up into a messy pony tail before going downstairs to see all three of my roommates in the kitchen dishing up dinner.

"Feeling better Charlotte?" Annie smiled.

"I am thank you," I smiled in response.

Annie gestured to a seat at the table, so I sat down.

"Dinner is served," George stated.

He placed two plates down, whilst Mitchell put the other at the table too. All three of them sat down in the other seats.

"Did you like your present?" Mitchell smiled.

"I loved it. Thank you. Remy is living on my bedside cabinet."

"Remy?" the three of them questioned looking confusedly to one another.

"I name my plants, do you have an issue with that?" I chuckled.

"It is rather odd," Annie said softly.

I smiled at them laughing lightly.

"Don't you remember Gareth, Annie?"

"What your boyfriend in uni?" she asked.

"I never had a boyfriend at uni, Gareth was the plant in our dorm," I frowned.

The two men burst out laughing trying not to spit out their food.

"Annie thought you were dating a plant?" George laughed.

"What made you think I was dating the plant?" I asked confused.

"I just thought it was euphemisms you know. Having to water Gareth, I just presumed," she said smiling awkwardly.

You joined in with the laughing that the two men were doing.

"It's not funny," she frowned.

"It is. I can't believe you thought I was dating my plant. What the hell did you think I was up to? I wondered why you used to get flustered when I told you had I to water Gareth. You were very wrong my friend," I laughed.

"You do know we are here right?" George asked.

"Yeah?" I said slightly confused.

"And you are telling us about your sex life."

"Actually quite the opposite. University was a very...I was a med student that didn't party and had an extremely attractive friend, yeah it wasn't good in the bedroom department," I shrugged.

"You really don't know how to stop talking," George sighed.

"She was telling me about how much she sweats earlier," Mitchell chuckled.

I laughed awkwardly continuing to eat my dinner.

"So why did you name it Remy?" Annie questioned.

"Any of you read comics?" I asked.

They shook their heads.

"Well that's a disappointment, you should really read comics they are very enjoyable," I smiled, "anyway Remy LeBeau is a character from Marvel comics, he's one of my favourite characters."

We continued talking until we had finished our meal.

They insisted they would clean up after the meal and that I should get some sleep.

"Thank you guys. You are honestly the most amazing people in the world. You are really making me feel at home here. You are the closest things to a family and friends that I have, even if you don't consider me a friend, I consider you guys my friends. Thank you," I smiled at them.

"Charlotte you are our friend, never doubt that. Any friend of Annie's is a friend of yours, and you are a very nice person, slightly insane and you do tell us too much but you are certainly out friend," Mitchell stated.

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