Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Ella Louise Hall

"Hi, ermm, I'm Jasmynn," I mumbled, not knowing what to say. He smiled at me and laughed.

"I knew that already. It kinda gave it away when that teacher sent you to see the Head Teacher. What a cow! She threatened to send me out for dropping my pen," Joey laughed. I smiled at him and couldn't help but think about what Kaila had said to me earlier about us making a good couple. "So, would you be able to tell me how to get to the Art room, I don't know where to go." He asked me, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No problem, I've got art as well so you can come with me," I smiled. We walked together, talking about  how bad Mrs Franklin was. We got to the classroom to see Kaila stood outside talking to some of the other girls. 

"Kaila, look," One of the girls whispered as she motioned towards me and Joey. Kaila turned and as she saw us, her eyes widened and her lips moulded into a smile.  She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards her.

"It didn't take you long did it?" Kaila laughed.

"He met me outside Mr Matthews office!" I squealed as Kaila started jumping up and down. As we giggled, our teacher emergered from the classroom, paint splattered across her face and all down her  apron. She ushered the class in and greeted Joey.

"Hi! I'm Miss Thornby and I'll be taking you for Art lessons," She said to him, holding her hand out to shake his. He shook it before asking her where to sit. "Well, there's a spare seat next to Jasmynn, you can sit there if you like. I'm sure she'll make you feel very welcome!" She replied. He made his way over and sat next to me, Kaila nudging my arm and laughing.

The three of us spent the lesson talking to each other whilst we drew still life images. Before we knew it, the bell rang for the end of the day. We grabbed our stuff and left the room. As we got outside, Kaila's mum met her in their car so Kaila said her goodbyes until there was just me and Joey stood there. Alone.

"So, do you wanna come round mine?" He asked me. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Sure," I replied.

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