Chapter 5

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It was dark and cold. Each step I took, gravel crunched under my bare feet. Where was I? I turned round, I couldn't see anything but I could hear the faint sound of music. I turned again, there was a light in the distance. I ran. The light became bigger and closer, the music became louder. I recognised that tune but where from? Eventually, I got to the light. It led to a room, it was like I was in a hospital. But it was empty. I took a step. The music stopped. I blinked. When I opened my eyes, I was in another room.

"HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!" Came from somewhere in the distance. It sounded like Joey, but it can't have been. I looked around me, there was a door. As I clasped the handle, my hand felt wet. Looking down at my hand, warm, red liquid dripped from it and I gasped in horror. "HELP!" Screamed from the other side of the door. I grabbed the handle and twisted it. I used all of the strength I had to force the door open. 

There was a man, I couldn't see his face but he was covered in blood. I blinked and he was gone. All that was left in that white room was blood painted on the walls. I could just make out what it said.

'Save Joey'.

Pure horror struck me as I turned and tried to open the door. I was locked in! "Help me!" I cried. "Please, someone help me!" But nobody came. I was left in that room. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was back in Joey's bedroom. But he wasn't there. There was just a piece of paper left where he was sat. I read what it said.

'Save Joey'.

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