3~ Happy Birthday to You, I Really Want To Kill You

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I put it in the case and shut it. I grab the red bow I sat on the coffee table and  peel off the back and stick it on there. I get the sticker that says "To" and "From" and has Hello Kitty on the side and stick it next to the bow.

Now, I just gotta wait for Clare so she can sign it. The present I got for him practically cost me a fortune, well, my savings. I was going to use that to buy a new Play Station but when I saw this baby, my whole brain went, "Oh, what the hell?!"

So, I got it on impulse.

I grabbed my present that I got for him, not the one that Clare's gonna use, and stuck a black bow on the box. I grabbed a "To" and "From" sticker that says, "Hey now, you're a rock star!" on the side and stuck it next to the bow. I grab a sharpie and sign it, "To: Fucker, From: Alana Ralph <3".

Now, I guess you're wondering why the hell I'm going to his party.

No, they're not.


Anyway, Andy came over a few days ago and literally got on his knees and clasped his hands together and begged me to come.

Sometimes, I wonder about that boy.

But, of course, I gave in and now I'm dressed in a black t-shirt with a huge heart on it and some black ripped skinny jeans and high heels.

Andy's going to drive over here and pick me up so we can head over to Jake's house. That's where the party's going to be.

 Speaking of which, I hear the doorbell ringing. I get up and walk down the hall and answer it. There stands Max in a Ruby Gloom T-Shirt, a pair of red skinny jeans with black zippers all over them, and some gray high heels.

"Ready?" she asks. I nod and go back and get both of the presents. I bring them out and Andy help me put them in the trunk and we head over there.

"Why so many presents?" Andy asks. I look at him throught he mirror. "Got two things he needed," I reply.

We get to the house not long after and I just know that someone's going home in tears.


I manage to find Clare through all the people and bring into a room. She signs the case.

"Alana," she says. I to her. She's standing in the doorway.

"Thanks for this. I don't know how I'm going to repay you," she says. How 'bout $3,050?

I sigh and nod to her and she leaves. Damn, the one I'm going to give him is pretty lame compared to the other one.

But, I hope he likes it.

I really do.


Ashley go there a little while after we did and everyone did the whole jumping and surprising him thing.

Ashley had already opened his presents and he practically fainted at the present from me, excuse me, Clare. It was an H-25 bass guitar from the 1960's.

He gave her a huge kiss and I feel a pain in my chest. Why do I fucking do this? I hate him then I love him again. I hate him then I love him.... AGAIN!

It makes my heart hurt...

Anyway, there was lots of dancing and drinking and all this other shit.

I only had one drink because if Andy and Max got hammered, I'm the one who's gonna have to drive them home.

I sigh and shake my head. I look over through the crowds of people and see Clare and Ashley grinding against each other. He whispers something in her ear and she giggles.

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