7~ Curiosity Kills

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I open my eyes the next morning and blink as I try to adjust to the light that's coming in through the window. Damn you, sun.

It's been two weeks since the date and I haven't seen or talked to Ashley once. I know I'm overreacting to this but I've done a pretty damn good job at ignoring him.

I throw off my blanket and look at the clock. 5:45 PM.


I scramble out of bed and run to the bathroom.

Oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention something, didn't I?

Black Veil Brides are having a concert tonight. At Max's birthday party. Thank you Andy for being so kind to your girlfriend.

Honestly, I don't mean to be rude and mean or anything but, I think he's trying to make up when he almost made Max kill herself a few months ago.

He and Max don't realize it but they're practically obsessed with one another and when Andy was cheating on her, hell, that made Max break. She couldn't think straight and she missed him too much but the fact that he cheated on her kept chewing on her conscience until she just... snapped.

The grief and depression awakened and ate her alive, that is until Andy came and rescued her. Saved her from herself. Sometimes that's what you need and you don't even know it.

Now, Andy, his story.

From spending time with whatshername made him realize he didn't want to be with anyone else. All he could think about was Max and the guilt was getting to him that he, actually, was tempted to just.. end it.

But, a voice that sounded a lot like me told him that he'd make Max's heart break even more. She wouldn't even know what to do so she'd probably end up in a metal asylum.

Andy wouldn't be there to tell her that it was all okay, that he was there.

The voice, that sounded like me, stopped him from doing that to him and Max and he talked to CC, after the voice that sounded like me told him to ask someone, and when Andy got shot, Andy knew that he wanted to live. Live for Max.

Good job little voice that sounded a lot like me!

Anyway, no one knew that side of the story. Only me and Andy. He made me swear not to tell anyone and I didn't. Unlike most people, I keep my promises.

That, to me, is true love. Realizing you want to be with that one person and so you hang on tight to that little thread and try to get back up there so you can be with them.

I get out of the shower after thinking about all of this and then my train of thoughts took a wrong direction.

Was I seriously thinking about Andy while taking a shower?

Oh God. I've been spending too much time with Ashley.

I run to the bathroom while trying to shake Andy out of my head and I got dressed. I put on a Black Veil Brides t-shirt and some ripped black jeans with my black cowgirl boots. I dried and straightened my hair and put on my glasses since I forgot and grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys and headed out.

I drive to the place where they're performing and I closed my eyes and sat back in the seat. The sounds of screaming fans filled my ears. Suddenly, a heavy stench of cigarette smoke erupted in my car. I opened my eyes and screamed as I saw a face in the window.

I roll down the window and I growl.

"What in the fucking hell, Andy, you gave me a heart attack!" I whisper angrily. He adjusts the hood that was over his head and smiles apologetically at me.

"Sorry, but I saw you and I thought you were sleeping so-"

"You came to kill me?!"

He laughed and shook his head.

"No, I came to wake you up and bring you inside," he explains I sigh and lean back.

"Thank you, but why couldn't you have Max or someone that won't get killed while out here do it?" I mumble.

"I couldn't find anyone," he replies. I roll my eyes and open the door while he steps back. We walk in comfortable silence as we try to get past the screaming fans, successfully, and get into the building.

He puts the hood down and we run upstairs when Andy and I hear something in a room. I backtrack my steps to the door and I put my ear to it. I hear bumps and breathing and...


I put my hand to my mouth as I gag and I trudge over to Andy.

Scarred for life.

Bless me and my virginity.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Someone's.. getting busy with someone," I manage. He laughs and grabs my hand while pulling me to a room.

He opens the door and I see everyone in the room. Jake and Jinxx are tuning their guitars and CC's playing air drums, I will not ask why," while the girls are sitting on the floor talking.

I clear my throat. Everyone ignores me.

I clear my throat again, but louder, and everyone ignores me.

"HELLO?! I'M HERE GUYS!" I finally scream. Everyone jumps and then laughs while looking at me and Andy.

"Hey, girly," CC grins at me.

"'Sup fool," I say as I walk into the room and plop down on a couch right next to Jinxx.

He gives me a side hug and then puts his hand back on his guitar.

"Oh, thanks for saying hi," I say to him.

He laughs and grins at me.

"Hi, Alana," he says in a "duh" voice.

I giggle and Andy sits right next to me. The show doesn't start for another hour and a half but we like to just hang out with each other until they have to get ready.

That's when I notice something.

"Where's Ashley?" I ask Jinxx.

"Probably having sex with Clare," he says with so much venom on Clare's name he could poison someone. Oh, so he hates her almost as much as I do. Okay.

...Wait. What.

Did he just say...

My thoughts immediately go back to the room Andy and I passed earlier.

No... no it couldn't be...

Just then, Ashley opens the door and walks through.

"Hey," everyone, except me, says at the same time. He nods and smiles at me and I manage to smile back as sits down next to Jake on the other couch.

We all start talking about random things while my heart is breaking by the thought that Ashley was having sex with Clare earlier.

"I have to go the bathroom, be right back," I say randomly as I get up to leave. I could feel the tears start to come so that's why I'm leaving. I walk down the hall and I hear those noises again and I stop.

I look to the door and unknowingly put my hand on the doorknob and twist and open the door.

You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat...


I think this might be the longest chapter in the book.

Anyway, who do you think's in the room?

And I'm sorry about the updating thing but I UPDATED EARLIER THIS TIME. I'M AWESOME RIGHT? YOU LOVE ME RIGHT?


Voe, comment, follow me?

Even though you don't love me back, I will always love you my little guinea pigs. </3

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