Heart Felt Speeches

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Zach came up first "hey guys,*everyone screams*thanks for coming we all appreciate the support on our...journey i guess you can call it we wanted to do something special my mom and Aryn did this for me,well us and i couldn't be happier today to be here with both of them

they have stood by me and so have you guys and the rest of 5quad 10 viewers to almost 5000 every day"he backs up and nick goes "hey mermaids today is gonna be a great day and i cant wait to spend it with all of you a year ago if someone told me i was gonna be where i am now

i would probably laugh at them but i'm glad it happened because its an incredible feeling and i love you all"he joins Zach and Edwin walked up "well look at this i'm in front of the people who actually made me where i am today i wanna give a big thank you for believing in me believing in 5quad

we love all of you and love that we can help make you smile and entertain you for maybe 1 or 2 hours a day"he waves and Timmy walks up "let me just say all of you look amazing today the fans my brothers and everyone else helping out i cant wait to hug and meet you all

you have made my life do a huge spin around and it was an amazing thing to watch and experience being with 5quad"Rudan whats next he ran up "whats up Ruducrew"everyone cheered he smiled "y'all are amazing we have literally taken you on a roller coaster ride and you are still here

that means a lot i cant wait for today be with the ones i love you guys and my family"he pointed to us and i smiled "so i don't take much time Aryn take it away"i smile and hug him walking back up "ok we are having a Raffle we announce the prizes at the end

we have all your names written down in their so good luck but for now lets get this meet and greet started"we all place our mics down and jump off stage i grab my sharpie and sign posters handing them out with bracelets out i take selfies with them talking with them i had a great time

Zach and I took a photo with a girl where we both kissed both her cheeks it was cute i saw Edwin take a picture with a girl i smiled and grabbed a drink i did some more of pictures and handing things out

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