Hospitals Suck

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Nicks P.O.V

i scream as i watch him stab her in the side the boys beside me Zach runs crying "you ass hole i love her"he punches Kevin in the face i couldn't believe it then i saw Aryn's arm twitch she shoots up as i watch blood fall from Zach's chest i run this time my best friend,my brother

Kevin runs as Aryn falls back moving her hand closer to Zach's "dieing hurts but thank you for giving me the best times of my life i love you"she coughed Zach had a pulse but it was faint i saw an ambulance i chewed my nails as they pulled them on stretchers both losing a lot of blood

i cried all of us did the fans were pouring tears who wasn't at this point they left and we drove to the hospital just please God keep them safe let them see each other here on Earth

Aryn's P.O.V

(this is inspired by my favorite book/movie If I Stay) they have been doing surgery for almost 2 hours no one notices this ghost me sitting in the corner Zach was this way too we were kinda here to decide if we want to stay or go his choice was easy he was gonna stay but i realized that i wanted to see my parents

i wanted to be out of this drama the door opens and i take the chance i run out and down the hall i went to the waiting room and saw the boys crying wiping their eyes i sat with them not like they notice i wanted to stay i so much wanted to but something kept telling me i shouldn't,

also if i did want to stay how would i,i heard a doctor run in "mam he may not make it we have been having troubles"i run as fast i can trying to find his operating room he was outside of it "what the hell"he looks up at me "if your going so am i"i shake my head

"no don't you dare i didn't say i was leaving"he stands up "but you didn't say you were staying"i take a breath "then now i am grab my hand"he takes my hand i look through the window i kiss Zach's cold cheek i saw the beeper speed up a little i giggle "OK now i'm going to stay

don't decide your not got it"he laughs and nods i run back to my room number i seemed to be fine the surgery was over i didnt know how to stay tho i sit in the chair thinking and thinking i heard the door open it was Zach like the real Zach he sits by my side"i thought you were gonna stay

"he tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear "i guess if you really are going before you do i have a few words if i may"i giggle a bit at his sweetness "ok where do i start how about when you walked into my class shy yet so cute you were apart of Zebruh nation which was probably the best thing ever!

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