Just Let Me Go Home!

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I wake up to the nurse handing me food I kindly thank her and pick at it Lyn comes in "hey girll"I smile weakly I had so much strength yesterday what happened she sits in a chair "how are you doing today"I put my fork down "I feel like I got stabbed in the side and I wanna go home"

she laughs a bit then gets serious "well the cops are hunting him down and the boys went to go see Zach they say he couldn't sleep last night"I frown "I bet it was uncomfortable like mine"She nods and I sit up a bit more "do you have my phone by the way"she pulls it out of her pocket

"here but when you feel it cracked a bit"I grab it the crack looked like a spider web I turn it on and I had messages from pretty much everyone in my contacts list "does Zach have his phone"she shrugs "I'm pretty sure"I put in his number and call putting it up to my ear

it Rang a few times then connected "hey"I hear a low growl "hey"he seemed as weak as me "how you doing"I sit back a little turning off the TV "i don't know but they won't let me come see you"I smile to myself "Zach you need to stay and rest not be over here caring about me

for once think about yourself"I finally get out something "I can't I need to see you know your OK tell you everything will get better"I put it on speaker my arm got tired "you know I'm fine by talking to me over the phone"I hear the boys chatting in the background

"not good enough"he barely whispers "Zach are you OK"lyn looks at me worried "yeah they just put me on this numbing medicine so moving my mouth is like trying to talk when you bite your tongue"I giggle a bit holding my side "OK well I'm gonna go i love you"

i grab it off the table "i love you too"he says as i hang up "can i go home today"i ask Lyn she shakes her head "they said in a few days"i huff out "so i'm supposed to sit in a bed picking at horrible food and getting pricked with needles no not happening"

i pull the I.V from my arm and take off the little sticky things i stand up and grab the clothes they had brought for when i get out of here Lyn grabs it from me "no lay down Now!"i shake my head "i'm going home"she laughs "no you are not"ugh i wish i didn't come to new york!

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