Danny Phantom: Stories of the Dead

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The green and purple seemingly endless void that was the Ghost Zone seemed rather peaceful. There wasn't anything to determine what was really up or what was down- where the sky began or ended, if there even was a sky. It seemed to really just be a void- but it was beautiful and mysterious in it's own way. There seemed to be no such thing as time in the odd Limbo-like dimension, but it wasn't like its occupants really cared for knowing the exact time or even the year.

The Ghost Zone was something that no one knew every single thing about aside from perhaps Clockwork. It was a big mystery. What about ectoplasm? Where it did come from? How did it appear into the universe? Why did it exist? How did it appear? Was it always there? Was the Ghost Zone made by the Big Bang?

No one knew how large the Ghost Zone was or how many ghosts there were exactly. No one knew anything really about the Ghost Zone just that it was there and there were ghosts. It was dangerous and there were certain sections of the Ghost Zones were ghosts didn't stray and where only the super-powerful ghosts lived.

There must have been hundreds of thousands of millions doors and lairs in the Ghost Zone- hundreds of thousands of millions of ghosts. Each ghost was different from the others aside from the ectopuses and the ectoplasmic mindless ones. It was a vast plane of millions, billions, of sentient beings- each living an afterlife, and most having a life that they left behind when they died.

All of the ghosts of the Ghost Zone, yet not a single one uttered a question about how another had been made. How did that one die? Why is that their obsession? Did they have a family while they were alive? What happened to their family? Were they still mourning? Did that ghost ever wish they were still alive? Did that ghost ever wish that they weren't a ghost and could get peace? How was old was that ghost when they died? Did they ever marry? Did they have kids? What era were they from? What was their job when they were lived? Better yet, how did they die?

Not a single one of those thoughts leaves one's mind. Some might have died peacefully and some might have died tragically. They might have died in a fire. They might have been murdered. They might have just had an accident. They might have taken their own life. In the afterlife for each one of them knew that each one had a story that didn't want to be told for not all deaths are peaceful.

See, the biggest mystery, at times, wasn't the Ghost Zone- it was its occupants.

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