Prince Aragon & Princess Dora

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Prince Aragon & Princess Dora:

In a far away distance stood a dark castle. Knights, jesters, maidens, drunks, and more roamed around aimlessly or roamed chaotically when the news hit- the King and Queen were dead. The prince was to be King in a month and no one was quite happy to hear that news.

Nearly everyone in the castle and the village could agree that the prince was a tyrant and sexist- as was most men of the time. Yet, the prince seemed to take it to a new level, going as far as to ridicule the princess. The poor princess Dorothea was someone that most felt sorry for- she was soft-spoken, petite, and small. She was the opposite of her brother- the two were even opposite in appearances. Princess Dorothea with her long blonde hair in a braid and blue eyes contrasted to her older brother's black hair and dark eyes. She had a kind, warm heart that had good intentions and her brother had only a cold, empty heart. They truly were two different sides of the same coin.

"You should know better to hold your tongue, dear sister," Prince Aragon hissed at Dora.

"My apologies," Princess Dora bowed her head and then she turned to the guests with a bow, "My humblest apologies to thy lords. I shouldn't have spoken at loud."

"You shouldn't even think it," Prince Aragon whispered, "You shouldn't think at all... Remember that dear sister."

She just nodded her head. She was used to her brother's bullying antics and belittling. However, it was getting much worse since Prince Aragon was soon to be king. She wasn't happy with that fact- as were most people of the kingdom and nearby kingdoms.

She briefly glanced down to the necklace around her neck and the identical one around her brother's. The necklaces were gifts from their parents- it was a symbol of their power, strength. Princess Dora, along with others, truly believed the rumors and legends of the necklaces. It was said that if the wearer were to get angry enough that the wearer could turn into a dragon. Of course, Princess Dora believed it to be true since it was- unlike the others who believed it out of fear and superstition. The princess knew the truth for her parents had explained it to both her and her brother- the only other person to know the truth was the trusted advisor.

Yet, her parents thought the necklace as a way to control anger- that if you got angry, you would truly know the damage of such anger. Princess Dora took the advice to heart, yet her brother only wanted to use the ability to overcome the kingdom once he was king. Then, he wished to take over the neighboring kingdoms, and then far off kingdoms.

She only wished that she had the strength to stop her brother as she held her head down. Nearby, the trusted advisor looked upon the Prince with a small frown of disapproval. Merek was only a few years older than the Prince, yet his father was the previous trusted advisor to Dorothea's and Aargon's parents- the deceased Queen and King. His black hair reached a bit past his ears and was a bit wavy. His face had stubble, but he was rather handsome. He looked at Princess Dorothea through the corner of his eye in concern. Their relationship must be kept a secret- he was only an advisor and her brother wouldn't approve. She feared her brother's anger worse than anything.

Merek feared only what Prince Aragon might do to the wonderful Princess. It was natural for him to be concerned and worried. After all, Princess Dora was his lover and he would go to any lengths to ensure her safety.

It came as a surprise, but not necessarily as bad news. The maid had found the prince's body dead, lying across the floor with blue lips and a cold touch. In his dead hands was a gauntlet that had spilled. The maid had screamed and within seconds, others had swarmed into the room. Within minutes, the news had reached everyone outside the castle. Within a span of ten minutes, the news was spread across the whole kingdom and almost every single one of them was rejoicing- all but one.

Princess Dora paced nervously. She wasn't too sure what to make of her brother's sudden death- just months away from him being King. She knew that her subjects were happy since they would rather have a meek woman rule (and who was likely to marry a man a lot better than Aragon), than have just her brother rule.

Prince Aragon, however, wasn't gone- perhaps in body, but not in spirit. It took him but a few moments to realize what he was and just how to use it to his advantage. He made sure to stay invisible, even if he was angry beyond relief. His eyes flashed as his pupils were slanted and his tongue was slightly reptilian. He growled. He was sure that he knew exactly who murdered him- who dared to poison his drink. There was only one person that could benefit from his death- his sister.

"I don't know what I shall do," Princess Dorothea whispered.

"You could rejoice," a voice answered from the doorway.

She turned in surprise, but relaxed when it was Merek- the one person she could truly be free around. She smiled softly as Merek walked in.

"My dear," he bowed, "Might I say, this is wonderful news. Not only do you get the crown that you deserve, but you do not have to worry about your tyrant of a brother."

"I suppose you are right," Princess Dorothea said as she shook her head.

Right, Aragon thought enraged, Right?! That crown belongs to me and me alone...

"You should be careful of whom you murder, dear sister," Prince Aragon's voice whispered as he appeared in her room at night.

Princess Dorothea turned in shock and stumbled backwards. She fell to the ground in horror, a hand covering her mouth as she let out a soundless scream. Standing, or rather floating, in front of her was her brother's ghost. She struggled to move backwards to get as far away as possible from him. His skin was blue and his eyes and hair changed slightly in their color. Around his neck, he still wore the necklace and in his hand, he held a small dagger.

"M-murder," she whispered, "I-I d-did no su-such thing! Pl-please brother!"

"Begging will you get you no where," he hissed as he stood down to her level, "Because I will get my revenge."

He plunged the knife into her body with a hiss. This time... her scream was anything but silent.

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