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Eric Morrison pulled the hood up over his head and kept his head down as he made his way through the small Brazilian village. He may only speak Esperanto and not know a single word in Portuguese, but he figured that Brazil was the safest place for him, especially the jungle part of Brazil. It was large and there was no way that he would be able to hurt anyone. He needed to go to Brazil due his rather... unique condition.

He huffed slightly. It was a long journey there and it wasn't easy. Yet, he needed to get there before the full moon. If there was a full moon when civilization or any people, it would make things dangerous- for himself and others.

If only I retained my mind when in wolf form.

For the next two nights, the full moon shined down upon everyone. Normally, most of them enjoyed the night sky. It was calming to listen to the sounds of the jungles, yet those two nights were just filled with terror. All that the people heard was growling and howling from the jungles. Something about the way it sounded made fear settle into them. It was unearthly. It was... frightening.

Because of the canine-like howls, they dubbed the beast Wulf. Rumors spread around the village of it being a large alien. Others said it was a werewolf. Some claimed it was an angry forest spirit. Either way, one thing was clear- it was dangerous.

Parents locked up their houses. No one was to go out after sunset unless you were a guard. No one was to make any noise. All torches and lights were to be one. There were to be three guards to protect the village. One was stationed on the East end, one on the South end, and the final was at the North end. They weren't too concerned about the West end, not with the large river there.

The river was... Wild. It was constantly moving and impossible to ride a boat on. The rapids would drown any creature not made for the water. For that reason, they were almost hoping that the wolf- that creature that had been terrorizing the village would jump into the river.

Eric looked up at the night sky. He prayed that he wouldn't venture into the village. There was no way he could live with himself if he hurt someone. He took a deep breath and as the last full moon of the month shined in the skies above, he transformed.

His clothes, thankfully, were safe and put up in a tree. Past experiences proved that if he didn't strip before transforming, he would be bare until he found new clothes. Yet, if he stripped and hid his clothes some place safe, he knew where they would be the next morning. At least it's the last night...

His face became distorted as it became canine. His already sort-of long black hair grew longer, as did the hairs all over his body as it all turned to the black wolf fur. He howled in pain as his spine and bones distorted to match that of the large wolf.

When the transformation was complete, he wasn't human. He wasn't even himself. He was just...The Wulf.

The guards fell asleep that last night of the full moon. They figured if the creature didn't come into the village the previous nights, it wouldn't the last night either. They were wrong.

A horrid scream sounded, waking the guards as they ran to the source. Villagers disregarded the rules as the men came out of the huts, ushering their wives and children to stay indoors. When they reached the source, they found Mira- an older village woman. She was hunched over, her face scrunched up in horror, and tears were flowing down her face.

"My child," she cried, "it took my child!"

Everyone's expression hardened as they heard that the very thing that they were trying to prevent had happened- a villager was taken and possibly injured. At once, all the men were speaking.

"Calm down," one of the guards snapped at everyone.

He turned towards Mira,

"What happened? Why were you out? What did it look like? Where did it go?"

"I'm not sure... We came out to get fresh water. We couldn't wait till morning... My child... It came out of the bushes and grabbed my child! It's a large black wolf, it's... it's not a normal wolf. It was much too large... It took my daughter... It headed back into the woods! Quickly! Bring back my child! Please!"

Mira was begging and the guard nodded,

"Tonight, we hunt for The Wulf and we will kill it..."

The men erupted into agreements as they grabbed their weapon with one goal in mind- saving the child and killing the beast.

"Over here," one of the men called, "I found her!"

When the others ran over, they found the men standing there with a sorrowful expression. In his arms, he held the limp body of the mere four-year-old girl. Her eyes were still open in horror. Her skin was pale. Blood covered every inch of her. Her torso was ripped opened, eaten...

Not a single one of them could utter a single word to describe the horror.

"It will see Hell this night," whispered one of the men.

When they found the creature, it was standing by the river, just watching. It was much larger than a normal wolf and as black as the night sky. It sniffed at the air. Without uttering a single word, spears flew through the air at the beast.

It howled out in pain as the spears pierced its body. It ran as fast as it could, the spears' arrowheads still in its lungs, its leg, and its side. Finally, it collapsed. Its breathing became rigid. It's lungs were filling with blood as the fur started to disappear from its body.

The now bare and dying man turned and fell into the rapids of the river.

Oh Dio, what did I do...

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