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"Dance, slave," the ancient Arabian king demanded, "Dance!"

Desiree held in her disgust and did as instructed. It wasn't like she had a choice- she was a slave after all. Though she wished that she were just a slave. No, she was a part of the King's harem and thus a prisoner in her own body at times for her body did not belong to her. She had to do whatever was asked and allow as many touches as he wished- even if she didn't wish it.

It was Ancient Arabia and the entire kingdom would have looked beautiful- the sands, the sand, the castle. To Desiree, however, there was no beauty, just a constant reminder that she was a prisoner. She wished to go outside into the market, into the sands, even if it was a desert- it would mean that she was free.

Her darkened skin and long black hair seemed to stand out with the pink Arabian dancing outfit that she wore. The gold bands on her arms, head and neck, and the golden bangles on her wrists were shining in the dim light of the sun as the King demanded for her to dance... and dance... and dance...

One day, I will be free of this, Desiree thought as she scowled and got dressed, one day, no man will lay a hand on me unless I wish it. Though it was only that- a wish. It was all that she could do- wish. She could only wish for freedom, for a part of her knew that it wouldn't become a reality. Sometimes, even in her dreams she wasn't free for the times that she had nightmares. Those were the worst for even her dreams were plagued with unwanted touches and actions.

"We'll never be free," another dancer whispered, "But is it so wrong to hope? To dream?"

"To wish," Desiree added.

The dancer and Desiree shared a look of sorrow before finally walking out of the king's quarters.

Desiree smirked to herself as she kept her head down and the hood up. Years of being contained and she was finally free- to a degree. Moving through the crowds with the cloth cloak around her, concealing every inch of skin and most of all- concealing her face. It wasn't easy, no it was rather difficult for her to sneak into the king's room unnoticed, grab a cloak, and disappear out of the castle. Around every corner there seemed to be guards, a dancer, or the King himself. Yet, she managed to do it- with the help of another dancer of course.

However, that dancer couldn't get out herself and for that reason, Desiree felt a pang of sorrow. She knew in her heart that she had to go back into the castle when she was finished exploring, as much as she hated it. She had to get back in there to help think of a way to get her 'sisters' free.

"Magic lamp," a guy at the market advertised, "Magic lamp! Just rub! Three wishes! Two gold coins!"

She looked down at her palm where three gold coins lay. Shaking her head, she clenched the coins and walked away from the vendor not wanting to waste the coins. Still, at the back of her mind she wondered if genies truly existed.

She grew up with the stories, as did all children. There were stories about genies living in lamps, giving the owner of the lamp three wishes- usually with a few rules and usually with a twist. The moral of the story was usually to be careful what you wish for.

If I wished for freedom, I doubt that even a tricky genie could make anything any worse, Desiree thought grimly.

Yet still, at the very back of her mind, hope lingered for the existence of genies- if anything to savor that childhood innocence. Then again, it might be mistaken for child's naïve personality. She would never admit it, but she did so wish that perhaps if her wish couldn't come true- perhaps she could help someone else's come true.

Desiree cried out as the King lashed her.

"Slave," he spat, "I give you food, shelter, and this is my repayment- an attempt at escaping."

Desiree gritted her teeth in pain and agony. The King showed no mercy as he motioned for someone to take her away.

"Get this pitiful creature out of my sight," the King demanded, "she's to be beheaded in the morning... Make sure it's quick as I do not want to miss my morning meal."

Her last thoughts, just as the sword was brought down to her neck, were simple wishes of freedom. I shall be free, to go to a place where perhaps I can make someone's wish come true...

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