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A lot of people considered Robert Frost crazy for his chosen profession, but he didn't regret it. There he was, in the Antarctic with his team of scientists and hikers. All of them were dared for a single purpose- studying the wildlife, weather, and waters of the Antarctic. It was something that all of them volunteered to do- none of the others wanted to join the expedition.

So, there they were in the cold with a large camp with every basic necessity that they would ever need. They had water, food, warmth. The only danger was from Mother Nature- the weather, the waters, and the animals. They could fall into a crevasse, get into a white out, get lost in a snowstorm, get swept away in the wings, get lost, get attacked by an animal, or freeze to death in more ways than one.

Despite all the dangers, studying the Antarctic was his life and it always would be. There was something about the vastness that fascinated him. It wasn't just the organisms- the microorganisms to the seals- or the cold brisk air, or even the beautiful sky. It was just the whole mystery of the Antarctic- the fact that it was so large, yet remained so unknown. There was still so much for them to learn about the icy wonderland and he wanted to know everything about the wonders of the ice.

He wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world.

Robert shivered slightly as he made his way through the mountains. Despite all the layers of clothing he wore, the cold still nipped at his skin and on his face. Pulling the piece of cloth over his face even more, he hoped that it would help. He trudged his way through the mountains, not sure where he was or where he was going.

No, he knew where he was trying to go. He was trying to get back to the camp. The snowstorm got him turned around and worst- it got him hopelessly loss. Even him, with his large height and towering figure, didn't stand a chance against the harshness that was Mother Nature.

The snow whipped around him furiously in a flurry storm. The winds howled throughout the vast mountains and it echoed in his ears. His many layers of clothes were covered with frost and snow, mostly ice crystals. Snow seemed to find its way past the layers and some of it scraped against his skin. The sky wasn't visible through the all the snow flying around and even if it was, he thought it would be just clouded like it usually was. It was around this time that he regretted deciding to take the hike. Not too long after he had started the hike did the snowstorm start to hit and temperatures reached practically unspeakable degrees. His arm was the first thing to go. He feared that he would have to get it amputated when he got back because it was still and hard like ice. The cold air was getting worse and he was chilling.

For a moment, his greatest fear became the idea of him freezing to death.

Luck wasn't on his side.

The chill eventually caused his body to fall cold dead.

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