Johnny and Kitty 13

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Kitty and Johnny 13:

"I'm telling you, Johnny, ghosts are real," Joan scolded.

Johnny, her boyfriend of 2 years, just scoffed. Joan, commonly known by her nickname Kitty, huffed at her boyfriend. The two had just got a shabby apartment of their own- by faking a few documents and licenses of course. Yet, they had to go live some place. It wasn't like they were going to live on the streets after running away together. Kitty, and Johnny, wouldn't stand for that, even if they were both only eighteen.

Johnny sat slouched on the couch lazily. He was used to Kitty's ghost antics- she was a firm believer. In fact, she was convinced that a 'dark entity' was following him around everywhere. In a way, it would explain why he felt that his shadow was moving when he wasn't. Yet, he remained a skeptic of anything and everything paranormal.

"Come on, Kitty, there's no such thing as ghosts."

"Yes there is! I'm tellin' you, this place is haunted. Just think about it- all the doors opening and closing-"

"-You mean the loose bolts," Johnny explained, but Kitty continued.

"The shadows moving-"

"-Trick of the light."

"-And then there's you."

"Wait, what," Johnny said confused.

Kitty sat down beside Johnny. She didn't wear too much- just a skirt and a simple shirt. The red jacket that he got her laid on a nearby chair along with her scarf, purse, and shoes. She was determined to get comfortable in the new apartment- even if it gave her the creeps and the barely had anything in the old place. She ran a hand through her dark brown hair,

"You, Johnny. This thing, these paranormal events, they only happen when you're around and they follow you everywhere."

"Haven't we been over this before, kitten, there's nothing following me!"

Kitty bit her lip, but stayed quiet. She knew full well that something was following Johnny- something dark. He never noticed it, at least she didn't think he did. Yet she has- she noticed the way his shadow seemed to move on its own at times. She noticed the way his eyes seemed to change when he was angry. She noticed that he got angry anytime that it was brought up- though a few years ago, it didn't bother him. Maybe it was just her- maybe she was wrong. Yet her gut was telling her that something wasn't right.

She's put up with a lot of shit with Johnny. She's put up with him hitting on other girls- when she was and wasn't around. She's put up with him being a jerk sometimes. Yet, she loved him that was why she was only going to try to do what was best for him- by warning him about the dark entity.

Kitty screamed at the top of her lungs,

"Johnny slow down!"

"No way, kitten," Jonny screamed back, "This is too much fun!"

"No it isn't!"

Hearing her cry, Johnny winced. He didn't want to scare her- he wasn't going to tell her that the brakes weren't working and he wasn't going to tell her that they were going down hill. He had little to no control about their speed and they were speeding up pretty fast. He loved her too much to tell her and worry her.

The stars above their heads seemed to stare back at them- hauntingly. Kitty gripped onto his waist tightly.

"Johnny... please."

Her voice cracked and he broke.

"I- I can't kitten... I'm sorry..."

That was the last words he spoke as the eighteen-wheeler came around the bend at the bottom of the hill. It hit them from the side and they were done for. The driver stopped ahead as soon as he could. He looked at horror at what he had done- at the two bodies laying on the ground, broken and bloodied. The boy's body was wrapped around the girl's in a failed effort of trying to protect her. The motorcycle was a distance away from sliding across the ground. The two bodies had a few bones sticking out, blood every where on them and on the road... They weren't breathing.

He looked at them in absolute horror, failing to notice the slight shadow of the motorcycle move on its own. He looked around frantically before jumping back into his truck- guilt about the hit and run disappearing the farther he got away.

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