Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV

We just got out of the car and went into the club. As I reached for the door I could feel the beat of the music through the door.

It's was a sunny out, and as I walked in it seemed as if it turned to night. The place was dark only lit up by various neon and black lights. It was all just so exciting. Was instantly went and got a drink. What can I say it's in our nature. We found a place to sit and chugged down our drunk slamming the glass down on the table.

I slowly scanned the room looking for some cute guys to dance with. I saw a few but didn't want to dance with them. I stood up and yelled making sure they could hear me,

"Hey you guys lets go dance!!!" I grabbed Robby's arm and just as I went for Katie's she shouted back,

"No, you guys go without me. I think I'll just sit here for a bit."

"Fine your loss! We'll check on you in a bit!" I yelled back not sure if she could hear me.

I watched as Katie, sat there starring at her phone, I wonder what's she doing? She put it away and got up to get another drink. That wasn't that weird. We all drank quite a bit.

Me and Robby were making our way to the middle of the dance floor when we see what looks to be Niall doing the same as Katie, starting at his phone.

Right then I felt a someone grab my shoulder. I heard Robby yelp, like someone caught her off guard. We turned around and sure enough it was the other boys.

They starred at us all big eyed with smiles plastered across their face.

"Hellooo ladies" Harry said with a wink.

"Harry stop being a creep." Louis while punching him in the shoulder.

"Oh my god hey!" I shouted way to enthusiastically.

"Where's Your other friend?" Liam ask, starting at me not taking his eyes off me.

"Oh Katie? She's sitting down, starring at her phone. My guess is he's thinking about calling Niall."

"Yeah, Niall's doing the same. We should get them both out here." he said.

You see what you don't know is that me and Robby gave Katie's number to Niall while at the signing while she wasn't paying attention.

"I have a plan!" Robby shouted while jumping into Harry.

What can I say, she had a thing for Harry, like I had one for Liam. He's just so damn cute!

I looked over to see Liam was still starring at me. I played it cool like I didn't notice, but Inside I was fangirling big time. It looks like Robby and Harry are hitting it off great. We then separate playing it cool heading towards Katie while the boys headed to Niall.

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