Chapter 20

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Katie POV:

Lauren had gone to the bathroom, me and robby were sitting eating out ice cream waiting for her. Robby would look at every giy that walked by.

"Robby, arnt you dating Harry?" I asked

"Yeah, but that doesnt mean I cant look." she laughed "No, but seriously. Ive noticed how unattractive guys are since Ive been with Harry."

I laughed "Yeah, ive noticed. I guess we jsut have higher standards."

"Gurl dont you know it," she said trying to be ghetto, but not pulling it off. "So, whatre you going to do about Niall" she asked.

I lowerd my head looking at my ice cream, stirring it with the fork lauren had given us. Liam had somehow convinced Lauren that spoons were the devils instrument. She didnt use them, and niether did we.

"Oh, its okay you dont have to talk about it if you dont want." she said placing her hand on my back.

"oh no! its okay! Truth is, i dont know what to do about it.

"You know if you need any help, me and lauren are here, always." It was comforting to know I had my best friends there, and that they wernt going anywhere.

I may not know our story but i do now weve been through a lot.

"Robby, howd we meet?

"Well, you jsut moved from Maine to here. We had science, art, and rode the same bus together. In science we got partnerd up with eachother, but we didnt want to work with each other. so we just did our own thing. We didnt talk for a couple days. Then you became friends with this bitch Taylor. I would talk to her on the bus. so that got us talking. so thats how we meet. Then you and I dropped her like a sack of bricks. Nows she a pot head and working at McDonalds"

(A/N: Its time i tell yall i do have friend named robby and lauren. i actualally met them the way im telling you. #NoLie Im a #Tuther. back to the story)

I laughed "Sucks to suck, dont it?" I said robby busted out luaghing.

"So how'd me and lauren meet?" I added

"Oh well i think that you should have Lauren tell you that one! I wasnt there. but trust me, its a hilarious story! I was already friends with her, but thats not how yall two meet."

"IM BACK MY LOVELYS!" I heard Lauren yell coming our way.

"Took you long enough!" robby shouted at here.

"What can I say? Shit happens!" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yall ready to shop now?!' I asked ready to find out how me and Lauren met. WIth her personality, I knew it was going to be good.

"Yeah! lets do it!. she shouted.

"Lauren, i just told katie about how me and her met. Tell her how you two met."

Lauren just started laughing, "Oh my" she paused to laugh "Oh-oh okay!" she took a deep breath to hold back the laughter. "This is how it went down. See what had happened was." she stopped to laugh once more. "Okay, so we had gym together. We didnt have any friends in that class. We rode the same bus, so we knew eachothers names, somewhat. So we sat along the wall nest to eachother. And i had to know....fart." she said that last sentence in a whisper. "So i jsut let it out!" she screamed! Robby was practically on the groud, not being able to contain her laghter. 

"Oh my god! youre kidding right?"

"haha nope! it actually happened!" she laughed

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