Chapter 15

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Liam's POV

"Did y'all hear the thud?" Robby asked

"Oh I bet it was the cat knocking things over again" Harry said pulling Robby on his lap.

"Oh yeah, that must be it." She said squirming in his lap.

"So y'all we have something to tell you" Robby shout grabbing a beer.

"Okay out with it then." I said

"Me and Robby are dating!" Harry joined in.

"OH MY GOD REALLY?!" Louis said exiting the pool. "Like we didn't already know." He then added.

"You knew?!" Robby said surprised.

"Yeah! C'mon it was so obvious!" Lauren said entering the conversation, as she sat in my lap.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I think Lauren felt it to she jumped a little. I dug in my pocket pulling my phone out, it was Niall.


"I'm taking Katie for a ride, be back soon." Then he hung up.

"Who was it babe?" Lauren asked

"It was Niall, he said he's taking Katie for a ride and will be back soon"

"Oh goody!" I sure hope everything works out in their favor, they are just so darn cute!" Louis yelled from the pool.

"She seems afraid if him to me. Like she's scared he'll do something to her, I wonder why." Lauren said

"Guys look I'm a dolphin!" Louis shouted from the pool. We all looked at him and laughed at him.

Niall's POV

I pulled out of the drive way, one hand on the wheel the other holding Katie's hand. She didn't pull away this time. I think she may have been scared. I sped down the road.

During the car ride we didn't say anything, yes it was awkward but it was nice being there with her.

When I finally stopped the car it was around 7pm. I brought her to a small park.

I got out of the car and went around and opened the door for her. I placed my hand out in front of her, she took it. A smile grew across my face.

I walked her up a big hill and we sat down. she let go of my hand, she pulled her knees up to her chest, holding them tight as we watched the sun set. I heard quiet sobs coming from her.

"What's wrong sweet heart?" I asked moving closer to her.

*sniffles* "why me? Out if all the people in the world, why me?" She said softly.

"What do you mean?"

I heard her sigh, she hesitated before answering.

"I-I mean, why did this have to happen to me? Why was I the one to be in a coma? Why did I. Have to get amnesia? Who am i? Why do you want me?" She said that last part quietly, hoping I would t hear her, but I did.

"Katie, I'm sorry, I don't know why it happened to you but you're Katie merr..."

"No, that's not what I mean by that. I mean like WHO am I. Like what makes me, me." She said cutting me off.

"Katie come with me." I got up then helped her up. It was dark now, so I held her close, making sure she didn't wander off.

"Katie, I didn't know you much before the accident, we met at a signing just a couple days before. I saw you standing there before you saw me. I fell in love with you right away." We ended up on a bridge with a pond laying underneath.

"See how breath taking the view right here is? This is how I saw you, you were and still are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"Niall, I'm scared of you. When you told me you're the reason I was in a coma, a million different thing ran threw my mind. Like why you did it and how you did it, it just scared me...I'm still scared" she paused for a bit, I knew where she was going with this, she didn't want to be with me, she didn't love me back.

"But..." I heard her say, I prepared myself to be let down. "There's something about you that draws me in. I want to be with you, but not if I can't remember you, my friends, my family, or me." She looked at me, wrapping her arms around me, hugging me, I hugged her back, and started like that for a while.

"Katie, I love you" I finally said breaking the silence. She didn't say anything, just held on tighter.

"C'mon love, we should head back."

"Give me a piggy back ride!" She said with a smile plaster in her face ear to ear.

"Haha okay"bathe jumped on my back. And carried her back to the car. I held her hand the whole way back. I could see her starring at me with a big smile across her face.

She was sleeping by the time we got back, I picked her up, and went inside to see Louis and Zayn sprawled in the living room. I guess Liam and Harry were with their girls. I brought stir to her room and tucked her in, turning to head out the door.

"Niall?" I heard her say with a sleepy voice. "Don't go. Stay."

"Okay beautiful" she lightly snored. Inlet out a huffed laugh. I stripped down to my boxers, crawled into bed wrapping my arms around her, holding her close. I shut my eyes falling asleep almost instantly.

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