Chapter 8

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Zayns POV

It had been about two weeks since Katie went into a coma. Niall was hurting badly, he hasn't left her side once. He stayed with her day and night. 'I think he layes in the bed with her just so he could hold her.' We would bring him food, but he refused. It was scaring us all, Niall never refused food.

I went in to see Katie, Niall seemed to be sleeping in the chair placed in the corner. I pulled a chair up to her bed side and held her hand.

"Hey Katie, its Zayn. I'm sure Niall has told you but I want to tell you to. Lauren and Liam are now a couple. That was something I didn't see coming." I snickered a little. "I'm not to sure about Harry an Robby, well they seem to be dating but I'm not sure, they haven't really told us yet. They're pretty hard to read" I just told her about what was going on in our lives this went on for hours.

After a while I felt a tear run down my cheek. It was the first time I cried over this. Was it weird that I was crying? Yeah a little bit, I didn't even know her. We said like 10 words to each other maybe? All I knew about her was what Robby and lauren had told me, which wasn't much, But I still felt for her, for Robby and Lauren...for Niall.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I was Niall. I stood up, looked at him and we both started crying Harder.

"Zayn?" He said quietly

"Yeah Niall?" It was the first time he said anything to anyone besides Katie.

"I'm hungry" we both let out a small chuckle.

"Okay Nialler, ill go get you some food, be right back." I opened the door turning around to see Niall starring at me with a slight smirk,

It was nice to see Niall with some expression other than depression and heart ache.

Katie's POV

It was nice seeing Zayn here. He didn't visit much and when he did he'd always be accompanied by Louis. It was odd seeing Louis like that. I knew him as a crazy rambunctious guy, but to see him hurt like that was weird for me. It was weird that any of the boys cared this much about a girl they ha just met.

Zayn was wrong, Niall didn't tell me any of that. I was happy for them. I'm sure that Robby and Harry have something going between them.

Niall was finally showing signs of opening up. At least he was finally eating! I was getting very worried there.

Niall stood starring at me, he was rubbing my arm.

"You just look so peaceful laying there. I almost feel selfish for wanting you to wake up so we can be together." He said with a small smile in his face. Wiping away last of his tears.

He wasn't being selfish, I wanted to wake up. I wanted to wake up to be with him too, to be with my friends again. Go back to right before the paps ruining about the most amazayn day of my life.

Niall's POV

I wake up to see zayn visiting Katie. He was holding her hand, I think he may have been crying. I walked over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder. He stood up and we hugged just crying in each others arms.

"Zayn?" I said shakily

"Yeah, Niall?" He sounded shocked to hear me talk.

"I'm hungry" we both let out a laugh.

"Okay Nialler, ill go get you some food, be right back." He went towards the door turned back, smiled and left.

I looked at Katie running her arm and said

"You just look so peaceful laying there. I almost feel selfish for wanting you to wake up so we can be together."

I hadn't watched any tv or read anything since the mishap, so I turned the tv on. And sure enough, there it was. Top news 'Niall Horan sends 19year old girl in to a coma'. I didn't know what to do, I just turned the tv off.

Zayn was back with food. And lots of it. He brought the other lads in to along with Lauren and Robby.

We just sat there enjoying each others company. It was the most fun I've had in a while. Well the most fun i could have when the girl of my dreams, my princess, was in a coma.

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