Chapter 7

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Katie's POV

I heard the door open, it was Niall he had been crying. Why?

"Niall what's wrong?"

He didn't say anything he just walked right by me.

"What? Ni..." I turned around and I saw I was laying in the hospital bed.

'What this doesn't make any sense.' I tried nudging him. But nothing happened. I was getting scared when I heard Niall talk to my unconscious body.

"This is all my fault, I should've been paying more attention. The doctors say you should recover, but they don't know when you will wake up. I'm not even sure if they know you'll completely recover."

I sat down next to him, I placed my hand on his check and whispered,

"Niall, everything's going to be alright. It's not your fault." He jumped.

"What was that? Oh I bet it was nothing" he said putting his head down on my chest.

'Had he heard me? How come he can't hear me now?'

This is starting to really scare me, I want out...well more like in.

I sat and watched Niall as he sat there with his head on my chest. It hurt seeing him this way, I hated being the reason for him to cry.

At this moment I did know much, but what I did know was that I had to wake up...for Niall'a sake.


Authors note:

Sorry for the short chapter, wasn't much I could write with this POV. but there's plenty more updates to come. That's a fact jack!

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