Chapter 6

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Louis POV

"Niall...w-what happened in there?" I asked coming up behind him, placing my Han on his shoulder.

"I-I-I w-was about to ki." He stopped, starting to cry harder.

"Nialler, I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Doesn't matter, she's still going to hate me. It my fault whys she's in there unconscious!" He snapped at me.

"What do you mean?"

Before he could say anything, we heard sirens. It was the ambulance.

They pulled Katie out in a stretcher, and Niall asked if he could go. We tried convincing him to rude with us but he wouldn't leave her.


Niall's POV

I jumped in sat next to her, holding her hand. I whispered the same thing over again to her the who way, "please be okay".

I replayed the seen over and over again in my head thinking of things I could've done differently.

I laid my head on her chest, I could hear her heat beat, well at least that's a good sign. I felt her hand twitch. I looked up at her, she opened her eyes and said

"Niall, it's not your fault" then she drifted back into unconsciousness. All I could do was hold her hand tighter.

Lauren POV

I was scared, but I had to be strong for Robby. We got to the hospital a few minutes after the ambulance did. We saw Niall sitting on a chair in the waiting room. He was crying. I didn't know what to. All I could do was cry more. I felt strong arms wrap around me for. Behind.

It was Liam, there was just something about him that comforted me. He spun me around, looked my straight in the eye and said "everything's going to just fine" I hugged me tighter. I shoved my face into his chest and just balled.

Robby was doing to same with Harry. Zayn was sitting by the window just starring out, while Louis was comforting Niall, who seemed to be taking the hardest.

A bald man came over he asked,

"Are you with Katie?"

"Yes sir," Louis said almost instantly

"Okay, well she had some major swelling of the brain, causing her to go in to a coma. We gave some medications that should help with the swelling. But there's no saying when shell wake up."

"Well can we see her?" Niall said surprising everyone.

"Yes, she'll be able to hear you guys. So she'll know your there."

The doctor walked away, we all turned to each other not saying anything till Niall came out and said

"Can I see her alone?"

Louis "Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Yeah I just want to talk to her for a bit." Niall said not looking at us.

"Okay we'll be out be if you need anything" Zayn said patting his back.

I watched as he walked into the room and shut the door behind him.

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