Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

I rAn to my car, I had to find a way to tell Katie I was sorry other than texting her. I grabbed. Piece paper and pen. I slowly wrote.

'Katie, I'm sorry. I love you"

That's all I could write. I had no idea what else to write. I had a lot on my mind, like why was I having and empty feeling, like something was missing when I have everything I could ever want. I know it had nothing to do with Katie. She was what I wanted, she's what I've been waiting for my whole life.

I ran my way back to them.

"Where you go?" Louis asked

"Oh well, I had to get my credit card for Katie." I said handing her the card.

"Okay...?" He said letting it go.

"Let's go Katie!" Robby and Lauren shouted in unison. The boys where making their way to the car. Katie started to walk towards the girls. I grabbed her arm spinning her around into a tight hug. She gave me a weak hug back I slipped my hand into the jacket u made her wear, placing the note inside. She pushed out if the hug, turned Round and ran to catch up with the girls.

I ran to the lads,

"So what're we going to do?" I asked trying to keep Katie off my mind.

"I want to go with the girls!" Louis said starting to complain.

"No Louis! We already told you! Today is for the girls." Harry said snaking him up side the head, making Zayn and Liam laugh.

"We'll I'm hungry!" I said, maybe food will help get my mind off her for the time being.

"Let's go get some Canes!" Louis said jumping with excitement.

"Canes?" I asked.

"Oh that's right! You haven't been there yet!...." Harry said with Zayn interrupting.

"They have amazing chicken...Zayn

"Not as good as Nando's..." Liam said interrupting Zayn, then being interrupted by Louis.

"But it's still really great chicken!" Louis said finishing.

I heard Liam's phone go off.

"Okay sounds good. Ill follow you." I turned to head back to my car, when Liam ran up to my side.

"I'm coming with you, I think we need to talk." He said.

"Okay...?" We got in the car and drive off

Lauren's POV

Katie told us what Niall had done. It hurt her, and it hurt Robby and I to see her like that.

"Hey ill be right back. Time to take a piss!" I said quoting the move 'The Raven' Robby laughed at me and Katie let out a small chuckle. She doesn't remember where it came from. Ugh it was such a great movie!

"Okay we'll be sitting here waiting!" Robby yelled to me as I ran off. I don't have to use the bathroom, I need to tell Liam about what had just happened, he'd k is what to do. I sent him a text.

'Babe, Niall made Katie upset, she is practically on the verge of balling her eyes out. She holding back her tears, but somewhat failing.'

I could sit back and not do anything. Katie's always needed out help with stuff, eapecially after her parents died, but now she wants to do it on her own I know I should've stayed out of it an let them work it out. But I couldn't it just wasn't in my nature to sit back and watch,I just had to do something. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, it was liam.

'What did he do? We're going to canes, i'll talk to him on the way there."

"He and Katie had a moment together, Katie realized she loves him they kissed. that's why they were late. Then he lied about why they were late. Sh felt like he was ashamed of her"

"Oh my god, is she okay? I'm going to beat him, I swear! Im going to talk to him right now. Got to go. Bye love you! Keep me updated!'

"Okay, I think she's fine, but I don't know. Love you too bye."

I walked out of the bathroom. They were sitting there, Katie had taken the last bite if ice cream she had. She looked fine, but I know, she hurt in the inside.

"Took you long enough!" Robby yelled

"Yeah what can I say, it happens." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Y'all read to shop now? Katie said with an eager look in her eyes. I guess she was feeling better than I thought. It was the ice cream, it just had to be it.

"Yeah! Lets do it!" I shouted we all laughed.

Liam's POV

Lauren texted me, Saying Katie was upset. Katie's a sweet innocent little baby like Niall, even though she the oldest. I couldn't understand why'd she'd be upset, then i finished reading the text. It was Niall. He had hurt Katie but why for? I was mad at Niall, I wanted to hurt him, but knew I shouldn't, I still love him. But I could t see why he'd do that. Katie is all those girls have, and those girls are all Katie has.

I ran to catch up to Niall who was heading to his car.

"I'm coming with you, I think we need to talk.

"Okay...?" He said confused. We got in the car and drove off.

"Niall, I know about you and Katie. Lauren told me you hurt her ya' know."

He sighed "I-I-I don't know why I lied."

"She thinks your ashamed of loving her." Niall slammed on the brakes pulling off to thine side of the road.

"I would never be ashamed m

If her! I love her! No I'm IN love with her!" He said sounding upset.

"I need to go find her!" He added about to turn around when I stopped him.

"Niall no, let her calm down we'll see them later. You can talk to her then. It'll give you time to think."

"No Liam I need to talk to her now! I don't want to lose her! I feel empty, like something's missing in my life right now. But she takes most of that feeling away."

"Niall, are you guys even officially dating yet?"


Niall POV

"Niall are you guys even officially dating yet?" Liam asked me.

"No..." I trailed off realizing that she didn't take all the empty feelings away because she wasnt really mine. I technically didn't have a princess yet. And I had most like just screwed that all up.

"Liam, I need to go get her. I have to make her my princess."

"Wait what? Niall did I miss something? Niall!" He yelled.

I didn't say anything, I turned the car around, heading back to the boardwalk. I was going to get my princess.

A/N: woohoo 221 reads!!! I thought only my amazayn friends would read this but apparently not. Unless they just couldn't get enough, they went back and read it over and over again, just waiting for an update. But thank ya' sexies.

~love your sexy lover. No Jk I'm such a creep.

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