<Chapter 5>

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Phil took out his phone and began to dial several numbers into it. He held it up to his ear and waited.

"Come pick me up, she got away."

I heard mumbles from the phone.

"I'm right outside. Hurry up."

He hung up before they could reply. He slipped the device back into his pocket and rested his hand in an awkward position in it. We stood there for a few minutes. Phil stayed completely quiet, staring at the sky.

"So what now?", I asked him.

"We wait."

"For who?"


"Like your team? IS THIS YOUR AVENGERS TEAM?!"

"No it's not-"

" How many are there of us?!"

"Well, there isn't a us-"

"Can I be Thor?!"

"No, wait-"

"Cool, I'm Thor."

"No, I'm Thor!", Phil yelled. He sighed and rolled his eyes at me.
" I work alone. These are just my...helpers."


"Shut up! I'm a lone wolf."

"Lone wolf? You look like a baby."

Sure, Phil was in shape but he didn't have much muscle. He was still super pale and skinny.

"Watch your mouth, Howell.". He crossed his arms and leaned against the street pole. "These guys are just my helpers. I do all the hard work. Their job is easy."



"Um..Phil I didn't say that." I replied. I turned around and an angry girl leaned against a car.

She had strawberry blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. It was curly and few piece fell out of it. She had thick, square shaped glasses that covered half her face, including her freckles. She had on skinny jeans, a white shirt, and a leather jacket. ( see picture at top )

"My job is very hard. Mostly because I have to work with you.", she said breaking the silence.

I was probably staring to long. Whoops.

Phil scowled at her and walked to the car. I followed him like a puppy unsure of whether she was good or bad.

She looked at me with a poker face. I couldn't tell if she hated me or liked me.

" This is Dan. He's a bothersome asshole but he's helping me catch Karma.", Phil introduced.

"Don't forget I saved your life!", I yelled, not wanted her to think I was a totally jerk.

The girl let out a slight chuckle. Her hair bounced as she laughed. She held out her hand to me and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Kimberly. You can call me Kim. Without me, I doubt Phil would be alive."

I shook her hand and smiled back. "I guess that makes two of us."

Phil wrinkled his nose and got in the front seat of the car. Kim gestured for me to get into the backseat. I open the door to the white Corolla and sat in the middle. She started the car and began to drive.

"Phil, you need to explain to this poor boy what the hell he's been through.", Kim said after Phil explained the whole story, including the kidnapping of my friends.

Phil looked at me through the car's mirror. He leaned back against the seat and shut his eyes, refusing to talk. Kim sighed and continued driving.

I knew I wasn't getting anything out of Phil.

We pulled up to a building about a twenty minutes later. It looked like a high class hotel. Actually, it was a high class hotel. It wasn't very tall or very small. It was right in the middle. It has about five floors each with giant glass windows. Connected to it was another building half its size. It was a big parking lot where dozens of expensive cars were parked perfectly.

After parking, Kim and Phil both got out of the car and walked to the doors that lead to the main building.

As soon as we stepped into the main building, I felt my heart rise. The first floor was beautiful. The floors was pure white marble  covered with a large rectangular red carpet. The ceiling had all kinds of patterns of flowers. A single chandelier hung form the ceiling, caked in jewels and candles. It lit up the whole room, not leaving even the tiniest corner dark. A single elevator was framed into the wall beside a large counter.

A woman stood behind the counter, a shelf of trinkets and pictures laid on the wall behind her. Kim and Phil walked up to the woman. She wore a tight maroon skirt, blouse, and a high bun in her hair.

Phil whispered something in her ear and her eyes widened. She went underneath the desk and the elevator doors opened. Me, Kim, and Phil stepped inside.

I examined the buttons carefully.


Although there wasn't a button that went  lower than lobby and Phil didn't even touch any of them, the elevator began to go down.

The doors opened slowly to reve a giant warehouse. Light after light shone bright and so did dozens of equipment I've never seen in my entire life. Phil stepped out into it as if it was nothing but I could barely breathe at the sight.

"Welcome to The Web."

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