<Chapter 10>

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"So what is the metal heart?". Phil's hands wrote down everything on the pad of paper. Hiro sat across from him in a big room. I watch from the glass on the other side and sigh.

"It's an invention that Romeo Azulie made."


"That auction. The one you were just at. What is going on?"

"I will answer all your questions but at the moment I need you to focus. What is the metal heart? Who is Romeo?". Hiro sighed and put a hand on his arm. He had been shot during the whole thing. Luckily it wasn't an injury too bad.

"Romeo Azulie is a millionare. He makes metal things such as robots,computers, machines, etc. Before he died he made the Metal Heart. Install it in any machine and your small machine will work perfectly. Guaranteed. Before he could introduce it to the public, he was killed. He made it clear that no one would have it but he didn't put it in his will so it was my word against everyone elses. So I put in the auction."

"Was is ever tested?"

"A few times. Everyone said he was insane for believing in it. Once he died, everyone was too devastated to fight. No one continued the research on creating more."

"And you just decided to auction it?"

"I didn't want to."

"Why did you?"

Hiro stared at the desk. He sighed and look Phil deep in his eyes.

"I found a note."


"I opened my email and there it was. It told me to auction off the Metal Heart. That it wasn't important and didn't work. I was so depressed I didnt even question it."

Phil scribbled everything down and cursed under his breath.

"Definitely Karma. The girl you fought for the metal heart."

"I know who she is. We briefly dated."

Phil cringed but went back to his work.

"Do you know why she would want it?"

"No idea. I didn't even remember inviting her to the auction."

"Yeah...I would expect so.."

"Can you please explain to me why she would possibly go through all the trouble to get it?"

"That is topic secret information."

"Tell me something."

Phil put all the files together and held them in her hands.

"Karma is a psychopath whi has kinapped,stolen mas amounts of metal, and then tries to take the Metal Heart. I don't know why. But something is going on and I am getting to the bottom of it even if it means me using an innocent man who is just as confused to do it."

My eyes widened and Phil looked to the glass, not knowing where I was because the glass was like a mirror. He couldn't see us but we could see him. Phil looked bat at hiro.

"We need to keep you and this invention in a safe place for a while. Please work with me as I send in my right hand man Gerald."

With that, Phil walked out of the room and Gerald walked in after him. He secured Hiro and took him away, most likely to a room where in the Web. Phil came up to where we were and handed the files to Aubree.

"Put these in my cubicle please."

"Okay. Do you think Karma's effects on you guys might have to do with the metal heart?"

"Aubree.". Aubree glanced at me and back at Phil.

"You have to tell him one day."

"Aubree, he is right here!", Kim defended.

Phil leaned into her as a attempt of whisper but I heard him just the same.

"Not anytime soon."

What wasn't he telling me? Innocent man? The innocent man was Hiro wasn't it? Then why did he look at me Kim, James, Aubree, and Gerald? My heart sanks and I turned away on my heels.

"Dan! Wait!", I hear Kim yell after me. But I was mad. I had the right to know just as everyone else. Did Phil not trust me?

Am I useless to the group?

Am I?

Oh wait.

I already knew that.

I burst into the Web. I needed to get away. I heard voices. I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled a note.

I'll be back. From dan.

I got in the elevator and went to the top floor of the hotel. The doors opened and I headed to the flight of stairs. I walked up to the top trying to get to roof. I saw a door that said "Rooftops". I opened it and walked out of the hotel.

Wind blew in my face. It was quiet. But easy to find me. I looked up at the large antenna tower on top of the hotel. A ladder climbed all the way to a small open balcony. I grabbed ahold on it and climbed the up each bar. I reached the top and sighed. It was so quiet. So perfect

Perfect for a runaway.

It was true what Phil said. I was confused. But was he just using me. Did that mean I was useful? Or a pain?

I heard a door from the roof open and Phil walked out. He cupped his hands to his face.


I said nothing and stayed completely quiet. Phil put a hand to cover his eyes. He sighed and walked back inside. I stayed up there for a while just listening to the sound of the wind.
After a few hours of thinking,I headed back inside. I entered me and Phil's hotel room and flopped on the couch. I began to fall asleep and snuggle into the soft couch.


"Nngh...oh...Hi Phil.", I said, sitting up from the bed.

"I hate you. How could you just leave like that?"

"Sorry. I just needed time to think."

Phil sat beside me and leaned against the couch.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For not telling you things."

"Why don't you tell me then?"

"...I can't..."

"Why not?!"

"Dan, it's complicated. I'm not...I'm not ready. I'm sorry Daniel but you have trust me"

"I-i... I trust you."

"Goo-d..." Phil's eyes closed and his head fell in my lap. I heard snoring and smiled. He was cute. Like a little blue eyed baby.

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