<Chapter 11>

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We kept the metal heart is a safe with a code only Phil knew.

We didn't know what approach to take next. I suggested we try hunting down Karma, as usual, but still test to see if the metal heart worked. But what would we end up building and how would we test it? How did the metal heart hook up? It's not like we could ask Romeo, the inventor, he was dead.

"We can't just make any machine. We need to make a machine that will be of use to us.", Phil explained.

"What could we possibly make? We have all the technology we need."

"Maybe we should just keep it in that safe. Do we really need to mess with it?", I added.

Everyone became silent and Phil sighed.

"Kim and James, I need you two to research more about Romeo and the metal heart. We could use as much information as possible. Aubree and Gerlad, I need you two to continue searching for Karma, places she might go, if she has been seen anywhere. Dan, come with me."

Everyone ran in opposite directions while I followed Phil, up and out of the Web.

"Where are we going?", I asked, buckled up in Phil's car.

"There's a large shipment of metal coming in today. Karma and her men might attack it and steal the metal."

"We aren't even in our suits!"

"The shipment arrives at 8:00. We have time to blow and I felt like I was suffocating in there."

I looked at the clock on the car radio. 5:53 pm.

"Um...Where are we going then?"


"I hate surprises."

"How?! Everyone loves surprises! Come on."

I shrugged and leaned back in my seat, starring out the window. Moisture covered the windows, dripping down the window. The pictures outside my window, passed as the cars speed increased.

We pulled into the small cafe Phil took me too before with outdoor umbrellas over chairs and the sweetest smell of coffee beans escaping through the doors. Phil stepped out of the car and awkwardly rested his hand in his pocket. I starred at it for a second before turning my attention to the shop once again.

"A coffee shop?"

"Yeah, I only go to this one. If I tried to go anywhere else, I would get lost."

We swung the doors open and ordered our coffees before sitting at a two seater table.

"Why did you take me here?", I asked.


"Why didn't you take Kim or James? Gerald? Aubree?"

Phil sighed and rested his hand against his cheek.

"Kim said I needed to interact with you more."

I snorted and Phil smiled.

"So basically Kim is making you be socially active, wow sums up my life in a sentence.", I replied taking a long drink of coffee.

"I mean I like you alot."

I choked on the coffee running down my throat and looked at Phil, praying I wasn't blushing.


"You are fun to be around. I think we could be more than just allies. Friends."

"Ohh... Yeah! Sure I'd be okay with that?"

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