Happy days

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life was a promising journey every feeling that came with it was total bliss, the beauty of the rain as it fell from the heavens, the sweet scent that came with the wind, all the colors around me. but what made me love it so was sound.. be it music, laughter, voices anything at all.. that was what fascinated me the most, it made my life worthwhile. as a child I was troublesome to my parents, always up and down filled with energy and curiosity of the world around me.

"Aria fish do not talk its best you move away from the bowl, pushing up your nose against it, like that you are going to break the glass", "but mama fish do talk i know they do." staring into the bowl intently it was as if her gaze would make the sound be heard, "it's a great sound it's just that we cannot hear it" she finally said giving up.

young Aria frowned pushing out her bottom lip in a pout "something is definitely wrong with this fish, Sam swore that his spoke to him once." Carmen gently sighed "i am not.." the door closed and Aria ran across the room flinging her self into the man's arms "and how is my monkey doing today?" he ruffled her soft brown curls "Daddy! i do not have a tail" rolling her eyes," she definitely got that from you" Carmen said kissing her husband. "me too!" Aria pushed her lips out both parents laughed kissing her on both cheeks "and i am sure she got that from you" said Micheal smiling lovingly at his family.

"Daddy fish talk don't they?" asked a sad looking Aria "of course they do cookie remember Nemo"  her eyes lit up and she smiled "Thank you daddy" she got down moving across the room to the kitchen.

"gosh.. you are a sucker for little girls after all" commented Carmen as she walked towards the kitchen "not so fast" he grabbed her hand drawing her into a hug he kissed her gently on the neck " not really just a sucker for you" they both laughed, "what's funny daddy?" Aria asked looking through the door with cookie crumbs all over her face "and must definitely her " he smiled 

"your mother and I are just so happy we.."  "Aria are those cookie crumbs?" you could see the glint in Aria's eyes she looked down knowing she did something wrong.

Carmen sighed walking towards her daughter she gathered her into her arms and kissed the top of her head "its alright baby how many did you eat? hope you didn't ruin your dinner", "two" Aria said holding up her fingers.


"what am i going to do now?" sobbed Carmen. "i cant do it i just cant.."

"Aria would probably never forgive me when she grows up. I am sorry love for all the pain that I have caused you. no matter what happens know that i will always love you never forget that" Micheal wiped the tears as they streamed down Carmen's face his own tears fell but at that moment he didn't care he was changing the life of the two people he loved dearly.

he held her face looking deep into her tear rimmed brown eyes of the woman he loved and will forever love, "I must go now love" he untangled her arms from around him he slowly got off the bed "I don't want them to come here, that man will not lay a finger on you" he kissed her gently for one last time then made his way to the door with a final look at her face he closed the door. 

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