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I sat down watching the news, it’s been a month now, I haven't seen my daughter she was all that I had my little Aria.

I was suppose to be strong but I just couldn't anymore I had lost Michael and now my daughter was no longer with me as well I got up from the chair and walked to my room closing the door I lay on my bed I couldn't stop the tears anymore.

"Carman! I know you are in there open the damn door!!". I woke up with the sound of somebody trying to break down my door, I got up from bed my head hurting like crazy I walked to the door and opened it the light hurt my eyes it was already morning.

"o dear look at your eyes all swollen, did you cry yourself to sleep again?" Amber my best friend was looking at me sad and so filled with pity "do not look at me like that Amber, my heart can’t take anymore" "I know love" she hugged me "everything is going to be fine now".

Amber helped me clean up, "I know how much alone you felt this past week, am here now" and I set up a meeting for you with Nicholas Harwell, "you did what?!" "you will thank me later" she smiled wickedly. I looked at the tall woman, with a short hair and slender frame bewildered Amber was my best friend, my lawyer in short she was the only family I had apart from my daughter

"I am not going" "are you sure?" "why would I want to see that man? he only takes everything away from me" I sat down on the floor not able to stand anymore I was thinner now, my hair was falling apart.

Amber sat next to me on the floor "well then I guess you wouldn't want to see Michael after all" "Michael!!??" "yes him she winked" I threw my arms around her "really? I am going to see him!?" "yes you are but first of all you are going to be healthy, and then you are going to have a meeting with Nicholas then Michael " she whispered. I kept smiling like an idiot.

"Sir your next appointment just arrived". gazing at the clock on the wall Nicholas was irritated already, he disliked it when other people had the upper hand, "send her in" he grumbled "okay sir" minutes later the door opened and Carman and the woman Amber came in, she had a relaxed smile on her face.

"sit down" he shouted at them carman was a bit shaken but still she held her ground sitting down. "I am a busy man so this is going to be short" "yes of course" added Amber "you have my consent to visit Michael" he said irritated "if you so much as bring harm to him I will have you thrown out!!" "you may go " he turned away.

I taught it would be easy to be able to see him again, but nothing prepared me to how I felt when I stood outside his hospital room door, I took a deep breath reaching out for the handle I gently opened the door hearing his voice in my head the night before he left me.

I walked into the room, the pin in my heart was very sharp, he lay on the white sheets lifeless, I walked towards the bed his skin was pasty white it had no colour the machines did everything for him, I continued to stare "Michael?" I called out his name something deep within me wondered if I called out to him maybe he might just wake up.

I called to him once more but nothing happened on the third call I was already in tears, I took his lifeless hand into mine and prayed.

» In the shadows 

"the master is not pleased with you" snarled a male voice " I care less of what that man thinks" replied a woman's voice. a sharp growl was heard " you know better than to go against his will Katherine " a laugh followed back "and let me guess he sent you here to punish me? best you know your place servant " one figure walked away leaving the other to stare...

On a silent night the moon shinned beautifully upon the grand mansion on the hills, even with only just the moon you could make out how gloomy, deserted and old the mansion looked, with plants growing out of the walls and how rusted the gates was.

no one would be able to make out what was inside yet no one dared come close to it.  

the people in the town went about their business like the mansion was never there, well actually to them it never existed.

deep within the mansion walls a door opened and a man was pushed fiercely into the room, he fell to his feet, his face was injured his whole body was shaking with fear " master I am sorry I warned her, I kept my eyes on her she most have noticed it somehow " .

the master he spoke to was hidden behind the shadows, you could only make out the room from the light the moon casted behind the drawn curtains. " please spare me and I shall never fail you again ".

the men that stood beside the door as body guards trembled with fear as the cold aura from their master hit them, the fate of this young servant was already sealed.  

you could hear the screams of the dying soul within the thick walls.  

in a little house just outside the haunted forest a frightened child woke up, his mother beside him "mummy what was that?" " the wind" she lied.

Melody of my unbeating heart(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now