past memories 2

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Vincent tragic past goes on ==>

we tied the boat to a branch dropping the trunk on shore, "never late as always, on time" a faint voice said from the shadows, I should be used to this, but the shiver that went through me felt sickening,

"Is it all their?" "y.. yes", "hmm.." he lifted the box feeling its weigh "you are boring, why can't you just give me a reason to kill you already", I felt the cold hand wrapped around my neck, I didn't hear or see a movement yet the creature was very close to me now, he sniffed me, "oh my" he stepped back i felt his evil smile in the dark, I fell two steps back.

he came towards me into moon light then I could make out his face, perfect in all sense but deadly with its pale complexion and crimson eyes. "your end isn't so far now", he turned and disappeared I turned my gaze towards the trunk and to no greater surprise it wasn't their,

without wasting time we got back to the ship and set immediate sail back home with gods speed I was frightened for knew not what the monster meant by his words, I will keep them safe no matter what it takes I swore.

Vincents POV

my father was never the same after that, i remembered he kept away from me after he came back never looking towards me and as soon as we got back home he locked himself in the cellar coming out after a day or two my mother was hysterical to my disappearance but heart broken from my fathers sudden change of attitude.

my father started selling his possessions, i could hear them that night they were fighting, he asked us to pack that he was selling the house we where moving.

my mother asked for a reason, he refused to answer her and they had a fight, most of our household were dismissed. We parked just as he wanted, they stopped talking after that everything was falling apart.

we left the house soon after never stopping for anything, we where out of town in the middle of the forest when suddenly the carriage stopped my father was furious just before he went out of the cariage we heard gun shots, my father reached for the door and my mother stopped him, "no don't Henry stay with us".

he took her hand in his "i am sorry Marie for all the pain i have caused you, please forgive me". he then opened the door leaving, we sat quietly in the carriage my mother holding me closely we heard the screams, more gun shots, i hugged her closing my eyes i was shaking from fear and she kept on whispering "everything is going to be fine, close your eyes".

for awhile it all quited down then the carriage shook, we heard the footsteps approaching us then it stooped right outside the door, we both looked towards the door,as it was forcefully forced open apart from the bright sunlight my mothers scream was what i heard before we where ripped apart from each other.

when i came to, it was really dark "mum? are you their?" i searched through the dark but i was alone their was nobody their just the stench of something that smelled aweful. i didn't know for how long i was in the place, i remembered when the door opened and i was dragged out with no strenght to struggle, the cloaked figure that dragged me out was laughing "you are going to the trial dear one".

i was lead into a room that was illuminated by candles.

they where seated on the chairs i was thrown in the middle of the hall i looked up to their faces, they were all beautiful both the women and men, but their was something about them that made me shiver, they had a frozen aura about them, i tried to sit up and then one of them spoke.

"is this the child?" he was looking at me coldly "yes master" replied a harsh tone, "we caught them just before they left town my lord" i heard the door open the clinking of chains my father and mother where pushed into the room, they both looked just and weak, when my mother saw me she reached for me and one of the cloaked guards stopped her, she was reaching for me sobbing "let them" said the man on the high chair, "goodbyes should be said at such moments".

my mother wrapped her arms around me, i could feel her tears on my cheeks, my father was brought forth,

"you know the rules, you broke them all". "how could you take a wife without our consent?". "running away did you honestly think that we will not find you? foolish human".

my father then spoke, "i am guilty for all that, but my family have nothing to do with this", "punish me but please let them go, they are innocent".

"Innocent!!?" roared the man "what a foolish thing to say, i do not care about their innocence they became guilty the moment you bound yourself to her and look you have a child",

" all those years you hid this from us, its time to repay you dearly for your insolence"..

that night i watched my father murdered right before my eyes his blood drained from his body. my mother and i where then separated once more and i was stuck into another room.

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