first meeting

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I was holding my breath for awhile without realizing it, so when he gave me a glare I completely collapsed didn't help that I was running a fever, the way his eyes held mine they were smoldering over mine made my temperature rise, I actually fainted.

Vincent stared at the stupid woman on the floor was she mentally retarded or what, or maybe it was an act to make him feel some sympathy towards her. she was mistaken if she taught he was one of those men that humor women when they displayed such bird brain characteristics. he didn't want to waste much more time he was already late for his meeting he turned away walking in the direction he came from.

Aria opened her eyes only to close them back from the intense pain that came from her head, "what the hell!" "easy dear don't move around so much" she didn't recognize the voice just when she was about to freak out staring at the unfamiliar environment she then heard Ruby's voice "is she alright?" "yes" replied the voice.

"where am i?" i asked as i tried to sit up more conscious of my head now "what happened?", "we were waiting for you to tell us that bit" Ruby was standing by the edge of my bed hands crossed looking like some older sister i just crossed. i was trying to remember, as if impatient with my phase she carried on "someone found you outside on the floor this morning!" "are you crazed" she accused.

on the floor? i taught to myself o that's when it all came back to me "i was running a fever, i think i was having a hallucination", Ruby moved closer to my bed sitting next to me. "i am worried about you" "sorry" i apologized "am all better now" i gave her a smile.

i wasn't released from the infirmary until i was completely better. i got a lot of visitors, Eliza was always with me as well as Ruby, Anne on the other hand was terrified of hospital so she kept her distance,

Sam also called me a couple of times i learned that he was studying at England i laughed, "its been awhile" i complained over the phone i honestly missed my best friend, "i miss you too A", don't worry we will see each other very soon he promised

"Good girls should be resting" i turned to my left and was shocked when i saw those familiar pair of violet eyes, he smiled at me "how did you? when did you?!" i was stammering my heart was racing with fear, i heard Mavis words replaying in my head, i calmed a bit down gathered up my courage then faced him.

"Logan" i still couldn't stop the shake from my voice, "so you do remember my name" he praised, "you are him aren't you?" "him?" he raised a brow his forehead creased a little making him look breath taking "the demon " i replied praying to the gods he didn't think i was crazy, his lips were twitching, he bursted out laughing.

i was feeling annoyed just when i tried taking all this serious. what was I thinking I cursed. he was having a great time laughing at me, i crossed my arms waiting for him to be through so that i could kick him out. when his laughter ceased.

he looked up at me curiosity framing his sexy eyes "why would you think that?" i had a good reason and i will say it to him "they first day we met, i diverted my eyes for just a brief moment and then you were gone." he opened his mouth to talk then he shut it and looked at me thoughtfully.

"i walk really fast" he replied i was about to reply to that when someone knocked on my door. i turned back towards Logan and once more he had disappeared. i hissed the door swung open Ruby then walked in with Eliza and Anne, "whats the occasion?" i asked looking at the three of them together

"we came to get you." they smiled "finally i can go" i got out of bed really fast. after changing cloth they took me home, they stayed with me for awhile before they had to leave for lectures. Ruby promised to be back with some notes for me, I was grateful .

I lay in bed that night tossing and turning for some reason I was restless, Ruby left earlier keeping to her word she dropped off some notes for me, I shut my eyes tightly trying to sleep off but to my bad luck no sleep came, so instead I stared at the ceiling thoughtlessly.

the melody came again still as lonely as ever, I listened to it and then suddenly the song from the other night began the sharp voice was strong it was pushing the melody away taking over.

I didn't want to be drawn to it so I put the pillow on top of my head trying to shut it out, a battle began within my head.

I pushed them both away but I didn't succeed, I was called out by it my body started moving on its own going against my will, the battle stopped and now I could hear only one song. my eyes began to blur.. 

authors note: well this chapter is short I was trying out something new. I don't wanna mix it up with the next. you will soon see why... p.s my Lil bro kept pushing me for the next chapter let's blame him if we are not satisfied. ; -)

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