vampire captive

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Aria's POV

I tried adjusting myself on the bed but it was cold and unfamiliar, I quickly woke up. sitting down on the bed I looked around. it was the same room as before, I was alone, I got up from bed, standing up so sudden I felt a bit light headed, I held on to the walls for support, my legs felt week.

I looked down surprised that it was fully healed. I dropped the dark curtain it was bright outside, I peeked out and saw the beautiful sea, my was very high up I noticed, I turned around and noticed a standing mirror it looked old and outdated

my clothing was different, I was clean and my hair braided, my body was shaking, I was touched, I noticed the door, I ran towards it and turned the handle but it was locked

kept trying to unlock the door but it wouldn't open, I heard a foot step from the corridor I ran to my bed, jumping on it I closed my eyes, maybe they would go away if they noticed I was asleep,

I heard when the lock clicked, the handle was gently turned, the creak of the door open, I closed my eyes, the footsteps walked in stopping by my bed.

" its a relief to see you awake " my body shivered. he chuckled " are we pretending to be asleep?" his voice sounded amused.  

I gathered my courage and turned around.

I gasped, such pretty eyes, I looked into them mesmerized, they where golden, a warm gold that seem to wrap around you, I was captivated, he was tall, very muscular in an elegant way,with short dark hair, his features were calm, collected, his pasty white skin made me shiver. talk bout pale.

he suddenly winked at me, I was bewildered. "if you are done accessing me I have a couple of questions I would wish you answered" 

I quickly looked away embarrassed, " what brings you here?" the question shocked me, what was this. some kind of joke?.

my voice was shaky " i should be the one asking you that " I was confused. he walked closer I shifted frightened, remembering the what happened to me before I passed out.

"I will not harm you" his voice was gentle it made me relax, " what's your name he smiled tenderly" I looked into his eyes to see any sign of harm, their was none, he looked solemn 

" Aria Harwell" I offered feeling weird, he smiled widely, "a beautiful name" "and I am Hans Nickel Clemente" I couldn't smile as he could, I was very much frightened to the core, "a mouthful" "call me Nick" he offered "or Clement"

you must be hungry, the door opened and a lady in a maids clothing came in with food and water, immediately it was put down, my stomach grumbled, I looked up he smiled eat he said. not caring about what was on the plate, I devoured it, it felt like I haven't eaten in weeks.

he was still standing by the door looking at me thoughtfully, " what is the last thing you remembered before waking up here?" I paused reminding those cold hands on my neck, "not that memory" I looked up to him curious how did he know about what I was thinking.

I read facial expressions he smiled, o well then it can't be helped i guess. " I heard a melody I said, a sad melody, it was lonely calling out for me, and I heard another song, this one was the sound of someone singing" I remembered the voice " it called out for me, my body was moving on its own then I blacked out

he seemed to be thinking when I looked up at him, wondering why he was asking. "are you Italian?" his smile was brilliant "a long time ago" he said

hearing the story of how I came here to my surprise it didn't shock me as much, so the melody brought me here at least am not splattered on the street by trying out jumping, I wondered if I found him,the demon. 

just then I had goosebumps remembering those cold eyes. " so I was not kidnapped?" "no" replied clement

"but how would you feel if I told you that you are in a far worse situation", I was scared after all, I looked towards him waiting for him to say it, 

"what situation? " " you are in a house full of vampires.". I was about to hear the scariest news ever and this guy is just joking around. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I started laughing

"o that's delightful, since we are claiming fantasy creatures can I claim to be an anime I have always wanted to hold a sword and scream bankai!"

he was looking at me like I was speaking alien. " you think am joking?" he asked. o no I believe you I said sarcastically, I started looking around flipping pillows and raising sheets.

"what are you doing?" he asked annoyed " looking for Zangetsu" I said impatiently, I was shocked when he picked me up settling me down in the middle of the bed I pushed him away.

he chuckled believe me am not joking, I am a vampire, I rolled my eyes, he then came closer till we where nose to nose, he then barred his teeth, I saw the sharp fang, "fake" he smiled then disappeared I blinked and he was nowhere

"behind you" I turned and saw him by the curtains, he disappeared again and re-appeared where he was, close to me like he never moved. that's when it all dawned on me, my grandmother's words echoed in my head

I taught she was crazy that day, I never took anything she said serious, and here I was seated in a room with a vampire I started to tremble, the fear came to me like never before, I knew that I was going to die, so this was the demon

I closed my eyes and started chanting, I was never the religious type but tonight I was a christian

I began: "He that dwelleth in the help of the Most High shall abide in the shelter of the God of heaven. He shall say unto the Lord: 'Thou art my helper and my refuge. He is my God, and I will hope in Him.'.."

"what are you doing?" he asked looking appalled "exorcizing your sorry ass", "you are doing it all wrong and secondly you are no priest" don't come close to me I made a cross with my hands, he looked at me intently

then started laughing uncontrollably "put your hands down silly Aria, don't hurt yourself, I promise not to hurt you" he was saying between each laugh. I swear in my whole long years I have never met a more hilarious human.

"are you going to kill me?" he raised a brow "why would I kill you?" " dude you just told me your secret, are you not scared that I would tell?" 

he laughed again.. " I can just imagine it, calling the police and reporting some vampire activity "

"as amusing as it sounds I would rather you didn't, the asylum isn't a pretty place" I couldn't argue with that, he was right. " so the song its yours?"

" I wish it was, I haven't laughed as much for centuries. I hope you will heal him" he stroked my hair " heal whom? what are you talking about?" " all in due time love." he then stood up leaving the room.

"are you locking me inside again?" "its for your own safety, call if you need anything."

Clement's POV

the girl was odd, funny in a weird way, the stupid boy was gone, I couldn't sense him at all.

it was getting late I assigned a cook for Aria, I heard her knock I walked back to the third floor, "you called? " 

"yes uhhmm,, I was curios" she said looking flustered "will I be set free? my mother must be missing me already and I have got school."

"of course you would leave, after the full moon I will personally take you back and apologize for your absence", she looked happier. "thank you" she replied.

"but uhhmm why must it be till after the full moon?" " if vampires exist do you believe we would be the only so called mystical creatures alive?". "I doubt they would attack you but its best if you are safe within this walls". "who are they after?" I was curious he sighed looking a bit sad "Vincent" he replied "I must go now" he left.

( hey it's me again. am going back to school so I have got no idea when next I will be able to update this story. but I really hope you enjoyed it so far. thanx .)

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