past memories

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Vincent knew he was running away from something, he didn't want his emotions to grow on some human. why was he changing so much, he cursed, *so much for being evil.*

Sitting in the dark office he sat behind his computer searching for something, 'i knew that I would find you here ' he didn't look up, 'did you miss me?' She walked towards him putting her arms around his neck she traced the length of his throat with her tongue

"I heard that you found a new toy", she whispered in his ear, "how long would it take before you kill her I wonder"... 

She walked away from him sitting across from where he was, "you have been avoiding me for so long now, I was thinking that you could have grown some feelings after all this while", she watched him intently waiting to see any reaction from him

"You taste different" she accused. "Are you going to continue ignoring me today?I know that deep down inside you are happy to see me" she was twisting a brunette strand that escaped the band holding it together, her long thin finger looking so feminine. "My offer still stands, become mine and I will forget everything that you have done". "its almost full moon" she hissed. "You are running out of time".

"You are too noisy, if that is all you came to say leave now". I felt empty like something wasn't right with me, "hmmm?" Marisa was analyzing me, everything I did i couldn't let her find out. Nothing like this has ever happened to me,

She looked appalled like i had just slapped her then she masked it with a bored look "I am bored" announced Marisa, "when you are ready to throw in the towel that is before I kill you, you know where to find me", with that she disappeared into the dark.

Marisa was a scare in the past that I wanted to forget, this life of mine wasn't something that I chose for myself.

It all started a long time ago, my parents had just one child me, my father was a count, we were very happy together, my mother was exotic and beautiful, with green eyes and a fair skin, her wavy blonde hair made her an envy to all whom laid eyes on her.

"Vincent" she would call out to me with a smile upon her face, I remembered her melodic voice, "mama loves you" she would kissed my cheek.

My father Henry was a proud man, he owned a lot of ships i loved sailing but my father wouldn't let me on any of his trips, curiosity got the best of me, I stowed away one evening on my fathers ship I had just turned 17

Knowing that if I asked he wouldn't let me go with him so I came on board with no ones consent. I felt the rocking of the ship against the water making sure that we where far away from land I came out from were I was hidden.

"You!" Screamed one of the hands "you shouldn't be here young master!" I was just about to fend for myself when the whole deck surrounded us making a scene. "What is going on?" I heard my fathers roar.

Everyone fell apart to give him space to come through, when he saw me his eyes grew wide in surprise then rage covered them, "you shouldn't be here" he accused.

"What are you doing here!? Are you insane I told you, you couldn't come!!". "Turn us around!" he shouted. "Sir?" said his first hand, "I believe that we are already behind schedule turning is not an option" he whispered.

"We really shouldn't uhmm be keeping em waiting" he added, my father turned towards him "and what do you suppose we do with him?" he pointed angrily towards me 

"It would be best he stays out of harms way" he was quite for a moment probably thinking a small crease formed between the old mans brows "Take im below sir, an hide im till all is settled".

Frustrated my father ran a hand through his hair, "alright!" I was curious now, "why can't I stay here father? I promise that I would not be in anyone's way" I pleaded.

"Be quite! How could be so careless your mother must be worried to bits now while you stow away here merrily out of curiosity and selfish reasons just get down below and don't come up till I come get you, not so much as a sound out of you, you got that!?" "Yes" I nodded, my head dropping.

I followed jack down below, I did what I was told I didn't know for how long I was in their all I knew was that I dozed in and out of sleep, remembering the words my father said to me and feeling terrible that I ran away from home making my mother worried. The sea was calmer now, I suddenly felt the creak of the door opening.

"Vincent?" My father called out, I came out suddenly, he looked odd not like himself, I felt that something was wrong. He walked towards me, "i am sorry father for leaving home without permission and stowing away on your ship without your consent" he hugged me "I love you and your mother both",

"I do not blame you for coming along". "What is wrong?" I asked he didn't reply, "its going to be fine" he said, "i want to protect you both". "father you are scaring me", he smiled weakly "don't be afraid", then he left I sat their scared in the dark *what have I done*.

Henry's POV 

We where so close to them I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that my Vincent was in trouble. If he gets caught he would see. that man would see Marie in him. he would know, both Vincent and Marie were now in danger I have to protect them with everything I had.

The sea was getting darker this was my last chance I went down below to see Vincent. he looked so troubled my words were not assuring they frightened him. I didn't want that but I was out of time, I gave him one last hug then came check up to settle everything,

I was in time, the water was darker now, the winds colder, "master we ready to drop the anchor sir", "okay drop it". The anchor was released at my command "bring the trunk to the boat", the big trunk was loaded into the boat and I set sail to shore, "after an hour if I am not back leave without me" I ordered as always.

I was on my way to visit a clan of humans, better yet a clan of monsters known as strigoi they fed on blood to survive they possessed an abnormal strength with a gift to live forever if they so desire..

magical powers.. they would probably have, but not much humans knew of their existence those who did are sworn to secrecy or rather they become slaves like my fathers before me.. I didn't want Vincent following the same foot steps I wanted a new life for him and Marie that was why I hid them from all this..

We set sail to shore, the dark icy water sparkling darkly in the moons light, the shore before us was more trees than sand, we sat in the boat quietly the boat man was trembling and we both knew that it wasn't from the cold wind.

*authors note: so far no comments maybe if I introduced Harry potter into this story I might get more followers with a lot of comments.... *I wonder* *

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