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Starlight shone down into the clearing as a shimmery figure appeared before the silver cat's eyes.

The silver cat gasped and mewed half to herself "Is this StarClan?"

The figure purred and said "That's right Silverpaw, I have brought you here to tell you something."

Silverpaw turned to see who was talking.

She cocked her head in surprise and mewed "Riverstar!"

"Yes it's me," she mewed.

"Is hunting good in StarClan?" mewed Silverpaw, happy to see the former leader of her Clan.

"Yes, everything is well with me." Suddenly, the StarClan cat's voice turned soft as she mewed "Oh Silverpaw, if only you knew what lay ahead for you."

"Wh, What do you mean..?" stammered Silverpaw.

"Your path will be like no other, it will be hard, but you are a strong cat, and remember, StarClan is always with you..." mewed Riverstar, slowly fading away.

"No, don't leave me, I want to know more!" pleaded Silvermoon.

"There is nothing more I can tell you..." mewed Riverstar as she disappeared into the light.

Special Edition-Silvermoon's MistakeWhere stories live. Discover now