Chapter Seven

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 It had been about a moon since Coldheart had left Silvermoon by herself. Afraid of hurting her kits, Silvermoon didn't hunt unless she had too and took any scraps of food she could find.

Weak and tired, Silvermoon settled down and closed her eyes. Suddenly, a spasm rippled through her body. Silvermoon let out a yelp. Suddenly, a shimmery figure appeared before her.

Silvermoon opened her eyes and croaked "Willowfern, please help me..."

The StarClan cat sighed and shook her head, then, she whisked away.

Silvermoon's heart began to beat faster and faster in panic. Why had she left me, I can't have my kits alone, I'll die! Suddenly, another powerful spasm shook her body. Silvermoon clenched her teeth as she felt a kit being pushed out of her. What do I do? Please come back Willowfern!

Suddenly, Willowfern appeared with a stick in her jaws and gave it to Silvermoon. Then, she started licking the little black kit. The kit gave a little cough then wailed. Willowfern pushed it gently towards its mother. Silvermoon squeezed her eyes shut as another spasm shook her. Pushing hard, she felt another kit slide out from inside her. Collapsing with effort, Silvermoon closed her eyes.

Before she was washed into darkness she heard a voice "Rest my dear, your kits need you..."

Silvermoon opened her eyes as the sun shone in through the hollow log. A milky scent filled the air. She looked down and saw two little kits suckling at her side and smiled. My precious little kits... If only your father could see you now.

She looked at the biggest kit. It was black, just like his father. I probably shouldn't give you Clan names if you're not going to be a warrior... I'll name you Hope. You'll remind me of Coldheart every day.

She smiled and looked over at the other kit by her side. She was a cream colored she-cat. I think I'll name you Blossom. The little kit mewed. Thank you Willowfern, for coming to my aid... I'll never forget what you've done for me.

Silvermoon sighed. Where will I bring these kits, we can't stay here forever. I can't protect them on my own. Then, Silvermoon closed her eyes and grimaced. I'll have to become a kittypet... I don't want to, but it will be best for my kits.

Silvermoon opened her eyes, gazing at her two tiny kits. I would do anything for you, my sweet, sweet kits...

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