Chapter Two

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It had been a moon since Silvermoon had met Coldpaw near border between RippleClan and EarthClan. She had received her warrior name that day, and now she was going to see Coldpaw again. Silvermoon was so excited. Today is the best day ever! Silvermoon was bouncing with joy as the leader came out of his den to pick the cats for the Gathering.

Minnowstar cleared his throat and mewed "Today I will be taking Lakeheart, Greymist, Creamstripe, Hollyfern..."

Silvermoon squeezed her eyes tight and pleaded: Please me, please me, please me...

"...Moonfur, Willowbright, Silvermoon..." Minnowstar continued.

Yes, I'll be able to see Coldpaw tonight! Silvermoon leapt up in the air with joy.

Minnowstar flicked his tail as he lead the RippleClan cats over the log that stretched over the river, reaching towards the Fourtrees. Silvermoon stepped lightly over the log her heart beating faster and faster. As they neared the Fourtrees, Silvermoon scanned the clearing. Coldpaw, Coldpaw, where are y- She was cut off by a voice.

"Sit down, the Gathering is about to start!" hissed Stormwind, a FireClan cat.

"Sorry." muttered Silvermoon, still searching for Coldpaw.

Suddenly, she saw a bright flash of green as a cat turned to look at her. The cat smiled at her and started inching closer. Silvermoon's heart soared as Coldpaw brushed her pelt.

Just as Silvermoon began to say something, Coldpaw mewed "I'm Coldheart now."

Silvermoon gasped and mewed teasingly "Such a cruel name!"

Coldpaw smiled and mewed "The ending -heart was given to me for my courage, not a cold heart!"

Silvermoon giggled. It was so fun being with Coldpaw that it was like nothing else existed.

Suddenly she heard Minnowstar say "RippleClan has three new warriors, Silvermoon, Riverpetal and Stormfall.

Silvermoon bubbled with excitement as the cats around her called out her name and she saw her siblings sit up straight with pride.

"Congratulations, Silvermoon. I didn't know you became a warrior too!" purred Coldpaw happily.

After a few more minutes of talking, the Gathering was almost over.

"Oh Coldheart, I can't believe we won't see each other for another moon!" cried Silverpaw as the cats stood up to leave.

Coldheart frowned, thinking for a moment then mewed "I know, meet me next to the river tomorrow night, I'll talk to you then."

Silvermoon smiled and mewed "That will be our secret."

The two cats brushed pelts and went off to join their Clans.

 Suddenly, Silvermoon realized that Creamstripe was looking at her suspiciously.

"Silvermoon, isn't that the cat you were talking to when we were on patrol?" mewed Creamstripe.

"Yes..." mewed Silvermoon hesitantly.

"You shouldn't be spending too much time with cats of other Clans you know," mewed Creamstripe narrowing her eyes.

"Well, you should mind your own business!" hissed Silvermoon, running ahead so she didn't have to talk with Creamstripe anymore.

Soon, Silvermoon had calmed down and realized that what Creamstripe said was true. She was breaking the warrior code! But surely spending a little time with someone wouldn't count, right?

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