Chapter Three

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 Silvermoon raced to the river as fast as she could. She had just come back from a hunting patrol. I'm late, I'm late! Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of bright green eyes.

"Coldheart!" she mewed.

The black cat turned to look.

"You're here! What took you so long?" mewed Coldheart, nuzzling Silvermoon's shoulder.

"I was on a patrol..." mewed Silvermoon, out of breath.

Coldheart shook his head and mewed "Never mind that, let's play! Come on, race you to that tree over there!"

Coldheart took off running with Silvermoon close behind him. Suddenly, Coldheart stopped and Silvermoon slammed into him, pushing him into the river. There was a screech, a splash, then everything fell silent. Silvermoon gasped and ran towards the river. Seconds later, a head popped up.

Coldheart pulled himself out of the water and started laughing. Silvermoon was still shocked, but felt laughter bubbling up inside her. Suddenly, she burst out laughing. The two cats shared a moment of laughter for a long moment, then stopped.

"Let's climb the tree," suggested Coldheart.

"Umm..." mewed Silvermoon hesitantly.

"What, you're scared?" mewed Coldheart.

Silvermoon nodded.

"Ok, let's make a deal. If you climb up the tree, we can swim together later," mewed Coldheart.

Silvermoon nodded and mewed "Let's do it."

"You go first," mewed Coldheart. "That way I can catch you if you fall."

"Ok," mewed Silvermoon scrambling up to the first branch.

Silvermoon felt a shake as Coldheart scrambled up after her.

"Go on," Coldheart encouraged.

Silvermoon kept climbing until there were only three branches left until she got to the top. Suddenly, she realized how high up she was and looked down at Coldheart. The ground seemed too far away and she was scared. Suddenly, Silvermoon lost her footing and slipped.

"Help! Coldheart!" cried Silvermoon. "I'm falling!"

"Don't worry, I'm here," mewed Coldheart.

Silvermoon looked up. Coldheart was there, tugging on her paw.

"Come on, let go of one paw and I'll pull you back up," mewed Coldheart.

Silvermoon let go and felt herself slipping.

"Help!" she shrieked as she slipped off the branch.

Coldheart quickly threw out a paw and caught Silvermoon's paw. Trembling with effort, he pulled her up onto the branch. Silvermoon stood still on the branch, shivering with fear.

"Silvermoon, are you alright?" mewed Coldheart anxiously.

Silvermoon nodded slowly as Coldheart started to climb down.

"Come on, we can go swimming now if you want," mewed Coldheart gently.

Silvermoon shook her head numbly and climbed down carefully after him.

"So, I guess this is goodbye," mewed Coldheart sadly.

"For now," mewed Silvermoon. "Let's meet again tomorrow, same place."

Coldheart nodded happily and mewed "Goodbye Silvermoon, it was nice spending time with you."

Silvermoon nodded and purred "Bye."

The two cats brushed pelts and went off to their own Clans.

Suddenly, Silvermoon heard a voice, "Silvermoon, what are you doing!"

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