Chapter Four

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 Silvermoon gasped and turned. Standing behind a rock was her best friend, Creamstripe. Her eyes were narrowed and her pelt was bristling.

"Silvermoon, what were you thinking!" hissed Creamstripe, lashing her tail out angrily. "You've broken the warrior code!"

Silvermoon whispered "I'm sorry, I just can't help it Creamstripe. I love him, and he loves me back."

Creamstripe glared at Silvermoon and growled "Stop yourself now, before it's too late."

With that, she turned and stomped off into the darkness.

Silvermoon hung her head with tears in her eyes, not ready to go back to camp yet. Suddenly, wet droplets began to fall from the sky, faster and faster. The water poured down on her muzzle, mixing with her tears. Silvermoon ran to an oak tree and curled up whimpering like a kit. She slowly closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep, calmed by the steady pitter-patter of the rain.

Silvermoon opened her eyes, starlight twinkled around her. Suddenly, there was a burst of light and a shimmery cat appeared before Silvermoon's eyes. Still miserable, a tear trickled down her muzzle.

"Oh Silvermoon," mewed the voice sympathetically as she wrapped her tail around Silvermoon, licking her rythmatical.

Silvermoon looked up, and to her surprise, she saw Riverstar.

"Oh, Riverstar, I'm so very sorry!" whispered Silvermoon.

Riverstar looked down at her and mewed "Are you really sorry, do you regret what you've done?"

Silvermoon thought for a moment, then hung her head and mewed softly "I guess not..."

Riverstar swept her in closer and mewed "Fear not my dear, for it will make things harder if you think. Right now, all you can do is follow your heart."

Silvermoon looked up again and mewed "So you're not mad?"

Riverstar shook her head and mewed "Every cat in StarClan knows what you're going through, but remember, we are always with you, You are strong Silvermoon, never forget that."

"Then why was Creamstripe so harsh with me!" cried Silvermoon.

"She doesn't know the power of love, as she hasn't found it yet. Just wait Silvermoon, she will understand, one day, she will," mewed Silvermoon. "Rest, my dear, for you have a long day to come..."

Silvermoon closed her eyes and fell asleep as Riverstar licked her head rhythmically.

Suddenly, Silvermoon felt a pelt brush hers as a cat came to lay down beside her. Silvermoon gingerly opened her eyes and saw a pair of gleaming green eyes.

"Coldheart!" mewed Silvermoon.

"Are you alright? I heard you crying so I came," mewed Coldheart licking her cheek.

Silvermoon purred and said "I'm fine now, thanks for coming to make sure."

Coldheart frowned and mewed "If you're fine, then why aren't you back at your camp? "

Silvermoon sighed and mewed "I wanted to be alone for a while. I've been thinking, is Clan life really the best for us?"

Coldheart cocked his head and mewed sharply "Oh course it is, what were you thinking?"

Silvermoon flinched and mewed "Well, my best friend doesn't like us being together, if we run away, maybe it would be better..."

Coldheart narrowed his eyes in thought, then mewed "If it's what you want...You know I'll do anything that makes you happy."

Silvermoon gasped and mewed "Do you really mean it?"

Coldheart dipped his head and mewed "Yes, I do."

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