Makeup Meets Life-long Research

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Announcer's Voice: "Oh, Dipperrrrrrrrr..."

Dipper: "I know, another dare. My life amounts to nothing."

Announcer's Voice: "Mewstar-"

Dipper: "Hates me. Yeah, we all know."

Announcer's Voice: "-Dares: Dipper, I dare you to watch as Candy and Grenda give the journal a makeup."

Dipper: "Wha- wha- what? Mewstar, I know we've had our differences in the past, but do you really think this is the answer? Ruining my grunkle's entire life studies?"

Announcer's Voice: "Well, if she thought differently, she probably wouldn't have made the dare, would she?"

Mabel: "Yeah, c'mon, Mewstar! I think you've forgotten about Uber-Fun-Time Mabel! Believe me, with my help, the journal could be fantastically amazing! Fanmazing!"

Dipper: "I TRUST NO ONE with this journal!!!" (Turns to run away with journal, only to charge straight into a wall. Journal goes flying straight into Candy's hands.)

Candy: "Hey, look, Grenda! A book has flown through the sky, straight to us! The creative-coloring gods have heard our prayers!"

Grenda: "Yeah! Grenda needs glitter! LOTS of glitter!" (Charges away with the journal. Candy follows.)

Dipper: (In pure astonishment) "Grunkle Ford is going to kill me."

Mabel: "Nooooooo! Girls! Take me with you!"

*An area that might have been a room before glitter, markers and construction paper dominated every surface of the area*

Dipper: (Panting) "W-wait! S-stop!"

Grenda: "Hey look, it's Mabel's brother! Guess what!"

Dipper: "Okay, um, what?"

Candy: "We have created a masterpiece! Dipper, meet... Mrs. Book!" ( Candy holds up the journal, revealing a crayon-made face, complete with lipstick, eye-shadow, and yarn for hair.)

Dipper: (Makes dying animal noises while his jaw drops to the floor.)

Candy: "Oh, he likes it! It has rendered him speechless!"

Grenda: "Woo-hoo! Mrs. Book is the best!"

Dipper: (Thinking) Wait, Mrs. Book? Mrs is a title given to married women... so there's a Mr. Book?

Grenda: "Oh yeah, we almost forgot to show you her husband! Say hello to Mr. Book!" (Holds up Journal #1, this time with crayon-drawn glasses, a yarn beard, and stickers for eyes.)

Dipper: (Makes noises that originate from the Underworld.)

Candy: "He likes this one even better!" (High-fives Grenda, forgetting about the glue on both of their hands. Both become stuck.)

Mabel: (Watching through a window) "Oh, girls." (Wipes a tear from her eye.) "You have gone far beyond the call of duty, to serve the imagination. We are, and forever will be, indebted to you."

Dipper: (Makes unholy noises)

Grunkle Ford: (Walks in) "Hello, children. I think I heard a Demonic Death Screecher call, so I-" (Sees journal. Nothing moves or makes any noise. Grunkle Ford takes a breath, opens mouth, and puts on a very understanding, logical face. )

*Outer space, with a beautiful view of Earth*

(World explodes)

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