I Will Follow You Into The Dark-Death Cab For Cutie

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This is my first fan fiction so if you guys have any advise, questions, comments, or suggestions, I would be happy to hear them!

Nico's POV

Today was a warm sunny day at Camp Half-Blood. I was particularly excited to go help Will (Son of Apollo, our best medic, and my boyfriend.) At the infirmary. I wasn't good at showing signs of affection, except towards my sister Hazel. Today is mine and Will's anniversary. I had gotten Piper to sew me a small sun pillow for him about the side of a volley ball, but a bit skinnier than one. I never knew Piper could sew until Jason tore one of his favorite shirts that she had given him. Piper was horrified when she saw the large cut on the back of the shirt. I had watched her pull it off of Jason and run to her cabin. About a half hour later she had come out of her cabin with a recently sewed T-shirt. Any way, back to the point. I had the pillow for Will hidden behind my back as I walked into infirmary. Will sat on the edge of a patient's bed as he dressed an arm wound. He finished and looked up to see me. He smiled at me with, was that a forced smile? Weird. He was usually beaming(no pun intended) when he saw me. I thought it was extra weird that he forced a smile because today is our anniversary. Isn't that a reason to be smiling? My thoughts broke when I heard my name. Oh gods, Will had been talking to me and I wasn't even paying attention! I looked at the ground sheepishly.

"Um sorry Will, I kind of spaced out. Could you say that again?"

I looked up to see Will standing in front of me smirking.

"Oh. I had asked what was behind your back."

I coughed. "Oh. Right."

I brought out the pillow. I looked at Will's face to see his reaction. He looked at it with a pained smile, when realized I was watching him and he took the pillow.

"Awww. Thanks Nico."

I could see nervousness in his blue eyes. He's hiding something from me, I thought. Does he not like it?

"Oh, Nico don't look like that. I love it. It's just I need to talk to you."

Panic raced through my mind. I wasn't a child of Aphrodite, but I knew well enough that "we need to talk" was never a good sign.

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