X Amount Of Words- Blue October

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And the winner is. . . xxxSophie_Jacksonxxx !!!!! I am Greek to the core!

Nico's POV:

If I ever thought that dinner might go well I was so wrong. I've had worse things but taking it from my best friend is pretty hard. Leo was sitting at the table twisting gears and pulling out various tools from his magical tool belt. Annabeth had a book blocking her face and would occasionally pull it down to shush someone. Percy is playing with water in his cup. Hazel and Frank are in some sort of conversation. I turn and see Piper and Jason slowly walking hand in hand towards our table. And that leaves R-

"Reyna!" Hazel jumped up from her seat at the table." I have something I wanted to tell you about!" She put her hand on Reyna's shoulder and steered her towards the food table pointing at a few things while discussing something. I turned again towards the table responding to my name.

"Dude, you've been standing there for five minutes doing nothing. Your food is going to get cold and that's a waste. Either sit down and eat or give me your plate." Leo said without breaking concentration on his metal project.

"Uh, OK." I usually try to sit at the end of the picnic table so I only have to sit by one person but unfortunately for me each guy was sitting in a corner. Oh goody! If you couldn't sense my sarcasm you need therapy. I sat down by Frank and started poking at my food. I don't even like pizza. Hazel and Reyna had returned with plates in their hands. Reyna made eye contact and for a moment I saw something in her eyes that I couldn't identify but I quickly averted my gaze.

"So guys any news on monster attacks?" Frank totally decided to bust out the big questions first.

"Well Annabeth said there was a small attack in town but it only lasted a few minutes."

"Percy," Annabeth said. "There's nothing special about a monster attack that only lasted a few minutes. I told you about that one in particular  because there were no demigods in town that day. We were all at the meeting at the auditorium. So what was fighting the monsters if no half-bloods were there?"

Reyna's brow creased with thought.

"Hunters of Artemis maybe?"

I try to keep my thoughts to my self but failed.

"That's not possible. Chiron received a report from them informing him that they were in Spring City, Utah."

Reyna's eyes narrowed as she saw the other contemplating the situation at hand. Clearly the she wasn't used to her methods being questioned. Hazel coughed pulling me back to the world and making me realize that I was staring.

"We should go investigate and do some research." Piper suggested.

Annabeth's eyes perked up at the mentioning of research.

"We should go to the library to research before we investigate, just so we get a sense of who we are dealing with." Clearly Annabeth had decided that she would lead this, but none of uttered any complaints. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a line of demigods reluctant to burn their pizza in their parent's brazier. I stood and trudged towards  the Hades brazier with Hazel trailing behind me. I hastily dumped all of my food into the flames before Hazel could see. She hates it when I don't eat. I was about to turn and walk back to the picnic table when gasps  erupted. A Roman eagle was just barely visible as it cried proudly and promptly made its descent. In its large claws was a tight scroll with a neat little bow tied around it to keep it from unfurling. As I looked around me the few Roman campers had soft smiles on their faces from the sight of something from their home camp.

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