Miss Missing You-Fall Out Boy

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Need I remind you that I don't own any of these pjo/hoo characters, Rick Riordan does. And yes you are getting two updates in one day, I have nothing better to do so I might as well write.

Nico's POV

Reyna held me until I couldn't shed another tear. Shaky breaths rattled in and out of my body.

"Nico, do you want to watch some movies?"

Reyna's voice startled me in all the silence other than my sobs.

"Um, yeah. I do, but we don't have any T.V.s, computers or phones so we don't attract monsters." I looked at Reyna with confusion.

A grin spread across her face. "We may not have T.V., but the Stoll's do."

She raised her eyebrows at me in question. I knew exactly what she was thinking and I didn't want any part of it!

Reyna saw my 'are you crazy I'm not gunna do that face' and laughed.

"Aww come on Nico! I would even let you pick the movies if you go with my plan."

"Rey, you know I don't like those guys!"

Reyna might have been serious most of the time, and most demigods were scared of her, but she can do one pretty convincing puppy dog face.I glared at her.

"Uhhhg! Fine."

Reyna smiled triumphantly. "OK, here's the game plan..."


I crept up to the Hermes cabin and knocked on the door. Travis opened the door and music blasted into my ears. He was holding a boom box that was playing Fall Out Boy in to my ear drums. I clamped my hands over my ears until I saw him surn the sound knob down. Well at least he had a good taste in music. Fall Out Boy was one of my favorite bands. I saw he was fidgeting with a small contraption in his free hand. It was probably something for a new prank on the Demeter cabin. It was obvious that they pranked that cabin the most because Travis had a serious crush on Katie Gardner, the head counselor for the cabin of Demeter.

"Hey Nico! What are you doing here?"He reached out and pinched my nose.

"I um needed a favor of you. And if you ever touch me again I will see to it that you will die slowly and will be sent to the eternal fields of punishment."I glared at him to get my point across.

"Um, what can i do for you Nico?" Travis asked nervously sensing that I was ticked off. Apperently Travis got my memo.

"I want to borrow your T.V. and a couple of movies."

Travis busted out in laughter. And make quotation marks with His hands.
"Gee Nico just go right on a head and use my secret T.V." Travis said mockingly.

I turned and walked strait towards Reyna's cabin stiff with anger.

"I've had enough of men today." I grumbled under my breath.

Reyna looked disappointed when I didn't return with a T.V. in my arms.

"So I take it plan A didn't work?" She asked.

"Dude Rey, he just laughed at me when I asked for it. So I waked away."

"It's cool Nico, I had a plan B in mind."

"Whoa Reyna, you're spending way, way, way to much time around Annabeth."

"What ever death breath." Reyna teased as she pushed me off the bed."Just follow me."

She walked calmly in the direction of what I soon realized was the Aphrodite cabin. I stopped in my tracks. The Aphrodite cabin was one of my least favorite cabins. All the make up, and the frufru frilly girly perfume that made me want to puke. And let's not mention all the "lovey dovey" atmosphere.

"Wait just a minute. There is no way in Hades I'm going in there."

"Aw relax Nico. Well be in and out. All I was going to do is ask Piper to charm speak knuckle head Stoll for us."

"Fine. But I'm not doing the talking."

Reyna's POV

To be honest I never liked the Aphrodite cabin either. To many self centered girls with to much make up on. Though not all Aphrodite girls were like that. There were Lacy and Piper who I thought were just fine but Drew? Eww! She needed a smack upside the head that will send her flying out of the world of "everything revlolves around Drew"! I tapped on the door to be met by just the girl I wanted to see. Piper.

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