Just One Yesterday-Fall Out Boy

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Will's POV

Oh gods I hated my self! I hated what I was about to do, and to whom I would do this to! But I had to tell him. The sun pillow didn't make any part of what I needed to do easier in the slightest. My stomach hates me as much as my mind does. It felt like I had just happened to be playing on a merry go round at the speed of 200 mph. Nico followed me out of the infirmary and into the edge of the woods where we would be unseen. He was starting to look really concerned. I stared at my crappy nurse shoes miserably. Of all the days I had decided to tell him, why today? Was it guilt?Pitty on the poor guy? I wasn't sure, but I had brought him out here so no turning back I guess. I let out a sigh and looked up at Nico.

"Um, I'm not really sure how to say this but..."

"But what?"he replied with worry in his voice.

I pushed down my fear and continued.

"I'm breaking up with you."I mumbled.

"Will I can't here you speak up."

I looked at his face with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I'm breaking up with you."

Nico's hand flew to his chest like he had just been stabbed in the heart.

"B-but Will, I thought..." Nico looked down as tears started to fall to the ground.

"Nico, I-I'm sorry," my voice cracked. "But I'm in love with..." I swallowed the hard lump in my throat. "I'm in love with Nyssa."

My heart shattered as I knew I had shattered Nico's. What had to be done was done.Nico turned and ran without a glimps up or a good by. I didn't blame him.

Reyna's POV

I has in the middle of taking nap when I was startled awake by a harsh knock on my cabin door. I sat up with my hair sticking all over the place making me look like Medusa. With eyes half closed I trudged over to the door. I was about half way there when the door opened up abruptly to reveal something that I never wanted to see again.There infront of me stood Nico with tears streaming down his sunken face. It hurt to see my beloved Nico in such conditions.

"Oh my gods Nico, come here!" I pulled him in for a hug. "What happened?" I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes with concern.

"Will broke up with me." More tears fell from his face.

"He what!!? Oh my gods Nico that's terrible!"

He pulled me into my cabin, closed the door, and sat on the edge of my messy bed. I embraced him in another hug and held him there.
Nico and I had become very close while bringing the statue of Athena back to Camp Half-Blood. I was like an older sister to him. But I had secretly liked him more than a brother ever since the day the war ended. I was doing a happy dance in my head. Nico was now single! Reyna! Your being a jerk. You don't want to see Nick so heart broken, I told my self.

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