Meeting, catching up, and oh no Chapt 2

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"Uh ma'am we're her. This is your mums house."

"Oh thank you so much..ummm..."

"Bill. The names Bill." He answered

"Well thank you Bill" I said with a slight giggle.

"Your bags are already placed at the front door." Bill said while opening the car door for me.

"Thanks again" I waved him off as he drove away. I took a step towards the door and knocked  three times. A older woman a little taller than me opened the door.

"Oh my. Sophia? Is that you?" She asked tears brimming her eyes. Then it clicked she's my mum.

"Yes mum it is." I Said.

"Come mere" she said tears rolling down her face.

"Mum. I dreamed of this day all my life and now it coming true." I said crying with her now.

"I know and I am soo sorry. Sophia I really am." She wiped off her tears and said. "Your brother should be here in a few hours soo let's catch up. Huh?"

"My brother?"I asked confused.

*a few hours of catch up later*

"Oh my" I said laughing so hard I swear I got abs now.

"Yup that's Lotty she is soo smart and very mature." Mum said pointing at a young girl who looked older then me. Then all of a sudden loud foot step wondered through out the house. It sounded like a stampede of elephants.

"Mum sorry I'm late harry and Niall got hungry. Oh hi there." A tall man said and stopped when he saw me.

"BooBear!" All the girls chanted.

"Boo..Bear?" I asked a little confused.

"Yup that's your brother Louis. They all call him BooBear." Mum said filling me in and the I noticed something.

"Oh no!" I said. 

"What's wrong?" Mum asked worried.

"That's is One Direction." I said pointing at the  five men.

"" Mum said chuckling.

"Soo,.. I hate one direction with a passion." I say without a care in the world.

"Hey! We're right her yah know?" Some curly hair boy said.

"I know" I simply shrug like it was nothing with a smirk planted on my face.

"Well I'm tired let's mum are we sleeping here or-" mum cut Louis off with a movement of a hand.

"You're going home Sophia's stuff is by the door so Zayn, Liam, and Niall go get'em and our then in your vehicle ok."  Mum said.

"Wait what?" I ask confused onto why they were putting my bags in their white van.  

"Oh yeah you live with Louis and the lads. There is not enough room sorry love." She said walking up to Louis and I and kissing our cheeks. I look up at Louis and he looks at me and smiles I on the other hand just role my eyes.

"It's not nice to roll such lovely eyes Sophia." He whispered to me.

"Okay so Louis it's all in the van. Go tell your mum bye and let's hit the road" some boy with blonde hair said. But he's not British like all of us, why?

"Hey umm...Louis..what's up with the blondes accent?"I ask like some lost child. Oh wait I am some lost child.

"Haha that's Niall, and he's Irish. So come on let's go tell mum bye. And go home." He said chuckling.

"O-okay" I stutter out not wanting to leave my mum quiet yet.

As we start to leave Louis and Harry are singing Oath by Cher Lloyd.

"Can you two please shut it." Some boy at the front yelled. I really need to learn all their names.

"Umm Louis I know who you, Harry, and Niall are. But which ones Zayn and which ones Liam?" I ask still trying to figure this out.

"Oh okay. Well the one that is messing with his hair is Zayn. And Liam is driving. So now can you tell us about yourself. And then I'll tell you about me." He said.

" okay well, I'm thirteen turning fourteen in three months. My dad...our dad is constantly gone on business. I lived with his best friends. I like the color blue. I like animals. I like to sing good music not your music." I say then smile innocently.

"Louis your sister hates us!!" Harry pretends to cry on Louis' shoulder.

"Yup" I said popping the 'p'.

"Well I am 19 years old. I like the color blue too. Not so big on animals just cute funny ones. Uh oh yeah, I have a girl friend named Eleanor but just call her El. And yup that and dad left when I was eight. So yup there you go." He explained.

The drive was like an hour long and very annoying do to Louis being so hyper. When we got there they made me get all of my completely full heavy twelve bags.

"Ugh a little help please." I ask finally getting in the flat.

"Sure love, I'll help ya" Harry said grabbing a suit case.

"Us too!" Then next thing I know is all my bags are gone. 

"Where'd you put them?" I ask the five boy in complete confusion.

"In your room come on. Let me show you." Louis said gesturing for me to follow.

"Okay. Thanks." I simply say.

"Okay so why'd you change your last name? You know from Tomlinson."

" I didn't dad did. He changed it to his best friends last name because he said that sense he was always gone  that I should legally live with them. So that's why is Greene I never knew 'Tomlinson' only Greene. But now I'll go with Tomlinson." I answer swiftly.

"Oh well that's good. Here we are." He says pointing to a room with purple walls and pink flower paintings. It has it's own bathroom that is pretty big. A massive walk in closet. Queen size bed with a pink comforter. A flat screen T.V. A couch, and it own sound system that you hook your music into.

"Wow. Louis did you get all this done for me?" I ask a smile blooming across my face.

"Yup" he says popping the 'p'.  "Look um unpack tomorrow but for now let's call it a night I'm pretty sure the lads are already out. Good night Sophia"

"Okay night." I said and as soon as I laid down I was out like a charm. 


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Love you all
Kisses to all💋


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