Happy burt-day? Chapt 11

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*A month later (Sophia's birthday)*

I was in the middle of Cotton Candy Village, in my little world called 'Candy World' when-,

"GET UP TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY! YOU ARE NOW OLDER THEN LOUIS!" An Irish voice yelled jumping on my bed, Niall!

"Niall get the fuck out if my room!" I yelled throwing a pillow at the voice while pushing under my pillows more.

"Language!" I heard another voice yell from outside my room.

"SHUT UP LIAM EVERYONE GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW OR I WILL SCREAM FOR LOUIS TELLING HIM YOUR BEING RUDE TO ME!" I yell at the two children as I bring myself out of my fort of pillows.

They both took a step back watching my every move until-

"BOYS! ATTACK!" Louis yells running out of my bathroom with a ... water-gun?

Next thing I know Liam and Niall pull guns out from behind them, Harry and Zayn running out of my closet with guns and...

Wait! Where's Mallory?

As if she heard my thoughts she jumps up from behind my bed and sprays me with her gun. Then everyone is spraying me now.


Everyone stops including me to look at Louis.

"Hmm, FINE!" He yells then starts to spray everyone and runs to the bathroom with me.

"Oh yeah HAPPY BURT-DAY!" Louis yells in my face causing me to wince at the new found pain in my ears.

"Happy...Burt-day?" I ask confused.

"It came out wrong so shut up." He assures pushing my arm playfully and lightly.

"What-eva dork" I say pushing him the same way he pushed me.

But I love him because he's my dork of a brother.

*2 hours later*

Well Louis and I won the water battle, because Louis had water balloons under
my bathroom sink.

"Im'ma take a shower" I said  walking up to my room.

"Okay after your gone we're going to the park." Liam called after me.

"Okay!" I called back.

I walked into my bathroom, plugged my phone into my sound system in my room, got undressed and felt the sensation of hot water hitting my back.

Louis' POV

"Harry, you, Niall, and Mallory take her to the park. Louis say you and Zayn are picking up the girls, and I'll say I'm picking up your mum and sisters." Liam explained.

"Wait if us three are staying here how are the girls, Louis' mum, and his sisters gonna get here?" Zayn asked.

"The girls are coming in a limo, and on their way they're picking up Louis' mum and sisters" Liam stated "oh and they should be here in an hour to help decorate" he added.

"YAY I GET TO SEE MY ELEANOR!" I yell getting really excited.


"Hey so are you guys ready, if not GO GET READY!" Sophia yelled jokingly.

She had on a light orange, and white tie die like shirt. Pinkish shots. Black flats. Four bracelets, and a gold neckless with a heart on it. Light makeup. Her hair was down and had a small braid down the middle. 

She looked so grown up.

"Um actually Zayn and I are going to pick up the girls.  Liam is gonna get mum and the girls. Harry, Niall, and Mallory will take you to the park, okay?" I explained.

"Okay" she answered "LETS GO!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Next thing I know is she's grabbing her aviators and pulling the three out the door and into Harry's car.

"Okay Louis when are all the people coming?" Zayn asked.

I simply shrugged not knowing any of the plans.

"Don't worry everyone is going to be here in an hour to help decorate, and they don't get back till....4:00 and it's...1:00 so don't worry we have time." Liam explained like always.

"Umm will there be...alcohol?" Zayn asked.

"DUH! Why wouldn't there be?" I answered.

"Um because it's your sister's birthday?" Zayn said in more of a question than an answer.

"So. Z when has that ever stopped you before? Remember Lotty's birthday?" Liam asked taken aback by his answer.

"YEAH COME ON ZAYN!" I said slapping his back.

"Well I never thought it'd be up to me but...FINE!" He answered.

"YAY YAY YAY. WELL LETS GET TO WORK!" I said shaking him.

Sophia's POV

Something is up with them I just  know it.

And I am going to find out.

Louis' POV

Everything is ready. I just hope she doesn't know.

I really hope she likes the party.

Sophia's POV

We just pulled into the driveway, and there is no cars, and the lights are off.

Hmm that strange. I thought to my self.

"Okay. We're here are you coming?" Harry asked as Mallory and Niall ran in the house.

Rather quickly if you ask me. My inner voice said.

"Yeah sorry. Harry um...why are the lights off and no one around?"  I asked getting out of the car.

"Hmm that is strange i don't know love. Sorry" Harry said shrugging.

"Um Harry wait. I know that you really like Mallory and-" I said but got cut off.

"It's all good. Water under the bridge right?" He said waving it off.

"No. Haz it's not. I made things awkward between all three of us. I am truly sorry. You and Mallory are perfect for each other. I give you my blessing." I said then gave him a big hug.

As I was hugging him tears started to prick. Then I let it out...awful sound they call sobs.

Ugh can't you hold it together. I thought.

"Hey look it is fine. I should be sorry not you."

"N-no Harry... Y-you a-are not a-apologizing... for something y-you... n-never did." I said crying harder now.

"Okay. Thank you for your blessing. I love you, soapy." He said sweeping me up and spinning me, causing a giggle to escape. "That's the laugh I was looking for" he said chuckling.

"Well let's go in" I said dragging him up the steps.

I open the door, walked in, turned on the lights, and-

"SURPRISE!" Several people yelled.

"AHHH! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Me and Harry yelled in unison.

"LANGUAGE!" Liam yelled.

Out of all the people here, two caught my eye.  

Ed Sheeran, and Ariana Grande 

"OMG THATS ED SHEERAN , AND ARIANA GRANDE!" I yelled running over to all the boys and giving them each a bear hug.

"Thank you" I said to Louis as he was the last to get a hug.

So this is what all the suspicion was about huh. I like it. My inner voice said.

"I guess so" I whisper to myself.

Louis Tomlinson is my.....brother?!Where stories live. Discover now