What were you expecting?

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I know you probably expect something along the lines of...

a) I take Sonny to the airport, he hugs me and promises to keep in touch. We wave goodbye with tears in our eyes.

b) Sonny shows up at home with a plane ticket for me and invites me to be From First to Last's merch girl/manager/whatever.

c) It's time to get on the plane. Sonny walks through that gate but he comes back to me like 10 seconds later, crying and saying "fuck that band, I can't leave without you".

Well, no.

In fact I didn't see him again... until yesterday. I thought he still lived in Atlanta but apparently he moved here when he left From First to Last.

"Kat, you okay?" Jake asked me.
"Yeah, my mind wandered a bit", I said, sketching a smile.
"And will it ever get home?" Jake said, singing.
"See what I did there?"
"Not really."
"Are you tryn'a tell me you didn't catch the From First to Last reference?" he said, surprised.
"I avoided everything related to them since Sonny joined", I said, with the same tone a kid uses when his mom asks 'what did I just tell you?'.
"Yeah, I avoided them like the plague. I wanted nothing to do with Sonny Moore. It's a long story...", I said, getting up and taking my dirty dishes to the kitchen. Jake followed me.
"Well, the guys arrive in 3 hours so there's plenty of time."
"Let's just say we were close friends and then he suddenly left and I was hurt", I said, washing my red bowl.
"Oh", Jake said, and remained silent for an instant.

Jealousy rears its only head
don't forget the things you said before
goodbye goodnight for good
remember my face when you feel the pain...

"My phone", Jake said and looked for it into all his pockets until he found it. Then he started talking as he walked to his bedroom.

I looked around. I saw a photograph. "Belleview High, Class of 2004".

"Yeah, the good ol' times. Sometimes I miss 'em", I heard Jake say. I turned around. "It was Vincent. He got some posters for you. He's gonna arrive earlier, so we can help you paste the posters and finish unpacking."

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