Escape the fate of falling in reverse

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Chapter 1-Mondays

Lunas POV

"Luna!" My mom yelled up the stairs. "What do u want?!" I yelled back. "Come here!" I threw my covers off and sat up "what the hell do you want at 8 o'clock in the morning you fat bitch?" I whispered standing up. I looked in the mirror. I looked so bad it was kind of scary. My hair looked terrible I had teased it the night before because my friend Kristin and I went to my boyfriends concert. Oh ya did I mention my boyfriend is Ronnie Radke? Well he is and he is awesome anyway back to the story. I had teased my hair the night before and i had on a lot of eyeliner my eyeliner had smeared and my hair looked like the cat had slept in my it. I brushed it out as well as i could and tried to wipe the rest of the eyeliner off. I put on the escape the fate shirt that Ronnie gave me a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of black converse. I threw my hair up and ran down the stairs. Mom was standing at the bottom with her hands on her hips."What?" I stopped on the last step and stared blankly stared at her. "What took so long u are gunna be late." "For what?" "School!" "Its Sunday mom!" "No its Monday." Se showed her phone and it said Monday "shit." I whispered. "Mommy sissy said the s word again!" my little sister yelled from the kitchen. "Luna." She whispered "I know u cuss but please try not to do it so much in front of your sister." "Whatever." I started to run back up the stairs but she grabbed my arm. "Where are u going?" "To my room so i can get ready I'm 18 mom i can drive myself to school." I pulled my arm away an ran up the stairs.

When I got done with my eyeliner i grabbed my kets off my dresser and ran downstairs. I looked at my phone it was 9. I was an hour and a half late and i had five texts from Kristin and seven from Ronnie. I called Ronnie and hung up remembering that he was Probably in class. I ran out to my car and was off to school.

When i got there they were changing classes so no one really noticed me except Ronnie. He ran up to me and hugged me "Damn it Luna I thought u were dead!" I laughed and hugged him back. I stood on my tippie toes and kissed him "U worry to much babe I'm fine." I dodged around him and went to my locker. I got my stuff out of my locker. When I turned around Ronnie was behind me one and on the lockers the other was on the door of my locker so i couldn't get out and the hall was empty. "Wanna get outa here?" He whispered leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him and leaned against the lockers and he wrapped his arms around me. I pulled away "Babe this isn't really the best place to do this." "Why not?" He kissed my neck. We heard a door slam and Ronnie jumped and accidental bit me. "Eww look its the goth kids." A preppy kid said as he rounded the corner. Ronnie bit his lip trying not to yell at the kid cuz he was already in trouble for standing up for me last time and the kid was a freshmen and we were seniors. Ronnie looked at me his eyes asking if he could do something. I nodded and he pushed himself off the lockers for momentum. He punched the kid in the face as hard as he could "I warned you last time kid." He kicked him "respect your elders." He grabbed me and started to run. I tripped trying to keep up with him. "Luna!" He picked me up and started running again. He ran into an empty ally and sat me down. "Are u ok?" He asked looking at my knees. "Mhmm." I looked down at my knees "oh." They were skinned and bleeding a little. "Im fine babe are u ok?" I asked. "Im ok i hurt my ankle but it will be ok im use to it." He said squatting down to check my knee. There were holes in my skinny jeans the fall didn't strip me of my pants. "Babe are you sure you are ok it looks pretty bad?" He looked up at me squinting because of the sun. I giggled and ran my fingers through his hair "You are so sweet and cute babe." I bent down and kissed him. He smiled and kissed me back. He stood up "So where do you wanna go now we can't go back to school?" "I don't know." He grabbed my hand and started walking and I followed. "So where are we going?" I asked squinting at how bright it was when we got out of the ally. I took my sunglasses off the top of my head and put them on and he put his on to. We had marching pairs mine were light purple an said escape the fate on the side in black and his were black with purple writing. "I'm not really sure." He said stopping at the street because a truck was coming. "Wait is that your dad?" I whispered "I don't know." He said leaning forward and taking his glasses off so he could see through the windshield. "Yep that would be my dad." He said backing up and looking the other way hoping his dad wouldn't see him but it didn't work. His dad stopped right in front of us and rolled his window down. "Shouldn't you guys be somewhere?" His dad asked. Ronnie stepped forward "Dad I'm 19 I don't have to school if I don't want to this is why I moved out you said as long as I live under your roof I had to go to school well I don't live under your roof anymore so I can do whatever I want." "What about her does her mom know where she is?" I stepped forward. And looked him in the eyes ,I hated Ronnie's dad. "It's none I your business where my mom is or if she knows where I am or not and I would appreciate it if you mind your business ." I said matterafactly. I grabbed Ronnie's hand and walked off. "Wow." He whispered in my ear. "Thanks." I said smiling.

Ronnies POV

We ended up at my place setting on the couch watching TV. I didn't know whet was on but Luna seemed pretty interested so I just sat there well I didn't have much choice but to set there she was setting in my lap leaning against me and she was starting to fall asleep. "Sweetheart if you wanna go lay down we can I don't care I'm tired anyway." I said softly shaking her so that I didn't scare her. "Ok." She stretched and stood up and so did I. She went to my room laid down and curled up in a ball right in the middle and she was asleep within 5 minutes. Its a good thing she was light because I refused to sleep on the couch. I carefully scooted her over and laid down beside her. When I laid down she uncurled and cuddled against me and fell back to sleep I couldn't sleep though so I just laid there until she woke up.

When she woke up she jumped and sat straight up. "What time is it?" she asked looking out the window. "I don't know." I said setting up. "Why?" "Because," she got up and grabbed her purse. "I was suppose to pick Addy up from school and I totally forgot." She looked at her phone and sat back down on the bed "I still have three hours." she sat her phone down on the dresser and laid back down. "So what should we do for the next three hours?" She asked looking up at me and I could tell by the look in her eyes she knew what I was gunna say and she deffanatly didn't want to do that right now so I just shrugged. "Don't know." I got up and went to the kitchen and I cursed bumping my head on the door. I lived in our bands tour bus but it was still pretty nice in there I was going to stay in my car but our manager said I could stay in there as long as I kept it clean and no girls spent the night. I kept it pretty clean but Luna spent the night there all the time.

(sorry if the first chapter was boring it will get better I promise please leave comments and ideas)

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