Chapter 10

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I was walking down the isle tears running down my face. Andy was right it was perfect mom was here Addy was here and she looked beautiful she had changed while I was gone I couldn't quite put my finger on it she seemed different older sad but everything was perfect the cake was exactly like I wanted the flowers were perfect my dress was beautiful white with a row of flowers going down and spiraling at the bottom they started out white then grey and got darker and darker until ot reached black at the bottonlm and of course i had a black vail and Andy was perfect I still couldn't believe this was happening I couldn't believe he even asked me and now here I am walking down the isle and my knight in shining armer was at the end with a smile on his face. His face was slightly pink and puffy and a tear was rolling down his cheek making me cry even more I was so happy. I made it to the end and he took my hand helping me up the two steps. The preacher started talking but I wasn't paying attention I was to lost in Andy's beautiful blue eyes. Andy started talking when the preacher stopped. "Luna you are my world I don't know what I would do without you I love you so much every second of every day I am thinking about you how much I love you how in the hell I lived without you," he paused and a ripple of laughter went through the crowd and I smiled. "Luna I want ti spend the rest of my life with you and I hope you feel the same way." He said and I felt another tear roll down my cheek. "I do I really do." I whispered. He smiled then the preacher started talking again. "Luna." He said and I felt my stomach twist I wasn't afraid I wouldnt remember the words I remembered them perfect but they weren't good enough to describe my love for him. "Andy," I started with a shakey voice. "I love you so much I honestly wouldn't be alive today of it weren't for you you ha e helped me through so much and I cant even think of any word to describe how much I love you there is no way to explain I love you so much I hope you love me as much as I love you. I feel like a teenager in love...well maby because I am," I smiled and everyone laughed "Andrew Dennis Biersack I love you and cant wait to be Luna Jane Biersack I love you and want to spend forever and a day with you." I smiled up at him and a tear rolled down his cheek. The pastor started talking again and then Andy repeating every word clearly. "I do." I whispered then it was my turn I repeated everything then looked up at Andy "I do." He said and squeezed my hand. "Then you may kiss your black vailed bride." The pastor said and I could hear the smile in his voice. I laughed and Andy pulled my into him kissing me hard on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his pulling myself closer and deepening the kiss. We were soon making out and I had forgot about everyone else until they started cheering and clapping. I pulled away and smiled up at him. He smiled back and gave me one more quick kiss before turning and walking me back down the isle. Kristin was waiting at the end she was one of my brides maids so her dress matched mine but came a little above her knee and she had a black bow in her hair she looked stunning. She hugged me and sobbed. "I'm so happy for you." She sobbed into my hair. I patted her back and laughed. "Thanks but I think we are suppose to go outside so people can throw shit at us or something." I said and Andy chuckled. "That's my girl its your wedding day but your still cussing like a sailor." He said and kissed me again causing everyone that was still inside to start yelling and clapping again. When we opened the door people started throwing rise. I tightened my grip on Andy's arm as we ran so I didn't fall. When we git to the end of the row of people we stopped and he wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me. I heard some awws and people snapping pictures. I pulled away slowly a d looked into his eyes. "I love you Andrew Dennis Biersack." I said with a smile. "I love you to Luna Jane Biersack." He said and kissed me again everything felt compleat we were finally going to be together forever.

Almost everyone had left mom and Addy were still there and my cousin she had a baby about five months old I remember mom telling me about it but we weren't really close as children or ever really I didn't even know why she was here. Apparently I was staring because she walked over to me. "Hey Luna congrats on your fine lookin' man." She said with a smile and I looked up at Andy. I looked back at her and smiled. "Thanks Jen umm...may I?" I asked motning toward her baby. She nodded happily and handed her over. She was so cute bright blue eyes it made me want a baby. I was playing with her and she grabbed my finger wrapping her tiny hand around it and giggled with a smile. "Awhhhh. Andyyy." I said looking up at him and he raised an eyebrow. "Not quite yet babe." He said with a smile. "But Andyyyy." I said and he shook his head with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and looked back down at the baby. "Hey you want a baby Ally needs a babysitter you can watch her for a while if you want." Jen said. I looked up at Andy hopefully. "That's up to you two." He said putting his hands up in defeat. I smiled and kissed him. "So when do you need me?" I asked. "Well I need someone today but I think you two might be a little busy for that." She said with a wink and flashed a smile. I giggled and looked at Andy he was so adorable. "Ya tonight probably wouldn't be the best night." I said and laughed again. We all laughed and I handed Ally over reluctantly. "Here's my number." Jen said grabbing a pen out of one if the baskets laying around and searched through her purse for a piece of paper. She found one and pulled it out scribbling a number on it. "Thank you so much." She said handing me the paper. "No problem I love baby's." I said with a smile and Andy laughed a little. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. I love him so much. I was lost in his eyes and was about to kiss him when Jen intirrupted. "Well I gotta go bye." She said and hugged me quickly walking off. "Bye." I mumbled. We walked over to mom and Addy hand in hand. "Hey beautiful." I said with a smile picking Addy up and kissing her cheek. "Sissy!" She squealed and hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back. "Where's my hug?" Andy fake pouted. Addy giggled and flung herself at Andy and he caught her. She squeezed his neck and kissed his cheek. "Mommy said you are my brother now!" Addy said excitedly. Andy smiled "Ya I guess you could say that kiddo." He said and squeezed her tighter. She laughed and squirmed a little blushing. "Awhh someone has a crush." I teased poking her side and she squealed hiding her face in Andy's hair. "Back off my man sista." I said and snapped my fingers in a z causing all of us to laugh. Andy tried to set her down but she wouldn't let his neck go. "Oh guys look I have a new necklace do you like it?" Andy asked poking Addy in the side. She squeaked and let him go running behind me. "Where did she go?" Andy asked scratching his head with a smile. I smiled up at him he was so adorable. "Right here silly." Addy said jumping out from behind me. "Woah how did you do that?! Are you magic?" He asked a d she giggled. "No silly I was hiding!" Addy yelled and started laughing. "Ohhh." Andy said and I laughed. "You are silly Mr.Biersack you know that?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck. "You have no clue Mrs.Biersack." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. He looked into my eyes and my heart started beating a little faster. I have known him for almost three years now and I still get butterfly's when he does that. He leaned his forhead against mine and kissed me gently. "I love you Luna Jane Biersack and don't you forget it." He said as a slow song came on and he started slowly swaying to it. I closed my eyes and laid my head on his chest. "I love you to Andrew Dennis Biersack." I said. "Eww kuties." Addy said and mom shushed her. I saw a flash and opened my eyes to see mom taking pictures. I smiled and looked up at him. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you to." He said and kissed my again and I saw another flash. "My own personal poparatzi." I mumbled against his lips. "Shit poparatzi." He said and his eyes shot open. "What? I thought you didn't tell anyone." I said confused. "I didn't but they are sneaky I saw one earlier I ment to tell you but I forgot they are like roaches where there is one..." He said and frowned. "No! No frowning its our wedding day we are going to be happy dammit I dont care about paparatzi they can take pictures hell if I care this is our wedding day. Do you remember what you told me at the park? As long as I am here and I say I do which I did and as long as you are here and you say I do which you did then it will be perfect so it will be." I said and kissed him hard. My mom awhed and Addy mumbled something. I looked down at her and she looked really mad. "Are you ok Sweetie?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder. "No." She mumbled. Oh children they are oh so very honest especially when they are mad. I looked at Andy and he got an idea. "Ya babe I'm fine you can go to the bathroom I will just have to dance with Addy while you are gone." He said and winked. "Ok have fun." I said and kissed him walked off. I hid around the corner and watched then. She was standing on his feet and her arms were around his waist. He laughed and picked her up so that her arms were around his neck and pulled up a chair for her to stand on. He wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her around. He whispered something in her ear and she giggled blushing. She kissed his cheek and tightened her grip around his neck. I smiled and walked back over. "You keep him in order for me Addy?" I asked with a smile. She giggled and nodded. I smiled and he sat her down. "Andy?" She asked and he looked down at her. "Ya kid?" He asked. "I love you." She said and hugged his leg. "I love you to kid." He said ruffling her hair. "Hey!" She yelled smoothing it down. He laughed and bowed sticking his hand out "M'lay." He said and Addy smiled and curtsied taking his hand. "Oh what a gentalman." She said as he helped her down from the chair.

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